Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector - page 26 - Hotwire! Hardware Mods, Accessories and Insights - CHDK Forum

Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector

  • 314 Replies
Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #250 on: 20 / June / 2010, 13:33:53 »
I've kind of lost track Col,

What version of SDM are you running right now, and is it working okay?


Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #251 on: 20 / June / 2010, 14:08:15 »
He is using your 'Lite' version but previously said the normal SDM versions crash the camera.

Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #252 on: 20 / June / 2010, 16:01:47 »

Have you been able to make any sense out of Col's problem?.
I just don't see how he can have the same firmware as me and be having these problems unless he either has different hardware or software (or a broken camera)? The fact that he can run CHDK puzzles me.

What do you do that is so different in SDM verses CHDK?


Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #253 on: 20 / June / 2010, 16:31:01 »
Have you been able to make any sense out of Col's problem?.

None whatever, I have absolutely no idea.

The same builds work on other users cameras.


Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #254 on: 20 / June / 2010, 16:32:52 »

Happy Father's Day (if it's appropriate)

Have a great day,


Offline colinbm

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Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #255 on: 20 / June / 2010, 22:03:19 »
Hi thepanoguy
I have purchased an other "Burper" & trimmer it down for small packaging, Jaycar HB6030 with 2x3volt batteries. I am getting a range reliably over 4 metres & sometimes up to 12 metres.
I also purchased the Jaycar ST3380 (the catalogue has ST3382 ?) 'Bullet' torch on special for $1.75 at my local store. They are faulty inside but nice heavy duty outside & small just 45 x 10 mm, the batteries are alkaline, not silver oxide as advertised, but you get 2 sets. Very easy to remove the LED & replace with a USB mini male cable.

Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #256 on: 20 / June / 2010, 23:02:47 »
@ colinbm,

I would have expected a range of 4 metres the most. If you are getting up to 12 metres that is a bonus. Thanks for the info on the torches.

The Jaycar unit works better than the remote doorbells I was using. Considering the electronic components inside; the Jaycar unit is a bargain. I was talking to the Jaycar sales guy about the units. They are a slow moving item. The impression I got was Jaycar are having trouble selling them.  

I played around with the Jaycar unit on my desk. With the S3IS switched off; first press turns on the camera, second press zooms the lens, double press takes a photo. The double press is a bit tricky because of the remote membrane; it takes getting used to. I may have to look at extra electronics and automating the process.

PS. I just got logged off because of the time factor. If that happens, in Firefox, back page, highlight your text, copy, login again, paste into the box.

I just read the previous page on your S5IS problem. I set up CHDK a while ago, but only use the camera for basics; house renovations and no time to play with the toy.

I am a hardware guy, not software. Try the above sequence to take a photo. If the membrane is tricky try it with the cover off. The switch is a standard used in most remote controls. Jaycar and Altronics sell them.
« Last Edit: 20 / June / 2010, 23:11:43 by thepanoguy »


Offline colinbm

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Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #257 on: 21 / June / 2010, 05:46:47 »
Hi David & Gregg
I have been using the camera on & off today, with the Fast MD.
I don't seem to understand the sequence to getting the Fast MD to run by its self ?

David your instructions on page 14 reply 195 were -
This is SDM and you need to learn how to run scripts.
Anyway, in ALT mode press MENU.
Do you see 'Autostart' ?
If so, press SET to enable it.
Press MENU to exit that mode then the PRINT button to exit ALT mode.
Tuirn-off the camera.
Turn-on the camera, the script should automatically run (after full press of shutter button).
Fully press shutter button to stop the script.

Now how do I get the camera to take pictures in Fast MD ?
I have been pressing different hap-hazard combinations of buttons & getting it to run & take pics, but I can't work out the proper sequence, Please ?


Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #258 on: 21 / June / 2010, 07:45:08 »
Col, at the moment you seem to have 'test mode' selected.

That is because script parameter 'o' (labelled 'shoot') is set to '2'.

Set it to '0' for fast shoot.

Run the script.

Next time you turn the camera on, parameter-set '0' will be set for fast shooting.



Offline colinbm

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Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #259 on: 21 / June / 2010, 08:23:17 »
Thanks David
When ever I turn on the camera in Record it opens in Play.
Anyway Fast 0 is always set.
Even if I change it to 1 or 2, when I turn off the camera & on again it is back to 0.


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