Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector - page 29 - Hotwire! Hardware Mods, Accessories and Insights - CHDK Forum

Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector

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Offline colinbm

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Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #280 on: 22 / June / 2010, 09:44:14 »
Sorry David
I overlooked that, with the questions to Gregg I forgot mine.
Yes with the SDM SD card UNlocked the camera opens in record mode properly.

Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #281 on: 22 / June / 2010, 09:54:31 »
Hmmmm .........

Anyway, it would be great if you could buy one or two cameras to run SDM.



Offline colinbm

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Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #282 on: 22 / June / 2010, 10:09:18 »
I could buy another S5 I guess, but am I going to have double trouble ??
Or get 2 x A570IS as Gregg suggested ? Probably the best choice as they are more likely to both work.

I do have a broken S2IS that I am slowly dismantling to see if the shutter is stuck ? If I can get it working I would like to set it up for IR photography. I would like to find a site to show me the disasembly to the shutter though.

Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #283 on: 22 / June / 2010, 10:21:24 »
I could buy another S5 I guess

I do not think so.

Or get 2 x A570IS as Gregg suggested ?


I do have a broken S2IS that I am slowly dismantling to see if the shutter is stuck ?

It is very unlikely the shutter is stuck.

It is normally a tiny, pivoted, blackened steel shim that is attracted to one of two electromagnetics.

A brief pulse moves vein to the electromagnetic and a tiny magnet keeps it in that position until a pulse energises the other electromagnet.

More likely, the zoom is distorted and sticks or the lens-protection blades are sticking.


Offline colinbm

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Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #284 on: 22 / June / 2010, 10:43:36 »
I will keep a lookout for the A570IS's.

For the S2, one day I will dig down to the lens assembly & just see.
The zoom was still working.
I have all the covers off, without any breakages.
I haven't seen a way to get the lens assembly out yet. Looks like I need to remove the electronic circuits behind the sensor first to get behind the lens assembly to remove it. Then I can see if the parts you mention are sticking or faulty.


Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #285 on: 22 / June / 2010, 11:11:54 »
With the SDM SD card inserted, whether I turn on in Record or Play, it starts in Play, green LED, even though the physical lever is pointing to Record. A second push of the lever to record again will enter Record & the red LED.

Not mine. If I press the lever to the left (CW), the camera always start in the record mode, and vice versa.


Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #286 on: 22 / June / 2010, 11:18:43 »
We have to consider if it is likely your camera does not behave the same as other cameras with the same firmware.
If so, is it due to the user or some other reason ?

David and Col,

I think I figure out the problem, so please hear me out.

In the "land down under" everything goes in a backward directions, i.e. water drains CCW. Therefore my theory is the code must be compilied backward to get it to work. ??? :lol


Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #287 on: 22 / June / 2010, 11:20:40 »
I really meant, can you confirm that normally the screen does not blank while running the MD script ?

I will test that this evening when I get home from work.

« Last Edit: 22 / June / 2010, 11:34:31 by gsbergman »

Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #288 on: 22 / June / 2010, 11:27:00 »
Yes I am aware that something odd is happening with my camera & I do hope the operater is not behaving oddly, but I have tried to stay on track & follow your guidance, to the letter.


If you don't mind the cost to ship your camera to the US, I'd be more than happy to test it all out and make sure it is functioning properly. I would put it through it's paces and see if I experience the same issue you are seeing. This would give you a warm fuzzy as to the status of your camera.


Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #289 on: 22 / June / 2010, 11:42:11 »
I'd be more than happy to test it all out.

That would be great and confirm Col's innocence  :)


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