"Why is this metadata entry missing from the DNG?" Are there technical limitations at play or is there something that can be done to fix this?
Hello & welcome, g3power !
When the DNG support was added to CHDK, only some of the most common EXIF data values were used...We could add more data into the header, it's not a technical limitation, but somebody have to code/progamm this...Since the JPEG file already includes all possible values, adding more EXIF fields was not necessary until now; furthermore the free memory (RAM) on some of the cameras is very limitied...
As an aside: is there a reason for some of the parameters having slightly different values in the two versions of the same photo?
Which values ?
I found that the lens EXIF metadata entry is missing.
Have you found out exactly what kind of entry you're missing? As I'm afraid that neither EXIF nor DNG metadata specification (they are not the same, by the way) provides a generic entry of this sort. Your Exiftool output actually contains a mixture of standard EXIF data and MakerNotes that is proprietary.
Lens 5.8 - 17.4 mm
exiftool -exif:all= -tagsfromfile %d%f.JPG -r -exif:all -overwrite_original_in_place -ext DNG /path/to/folder/to/process
Incidentally, yours is not a fixed lens (= single focal length, in Adobe parlance), but a zoom lens,
and the focal length (both absolute and 35mm-equivalent) is included in the DNG metadata. Which, together with the camera model (it is there, too) should be sufficient to uniquely identify the image settings.
If you can figure out what additional DNG tags are needed for your workflow, you will likely get help here as to how to add them in dng.c.
The lens's name is missing from the dng's metadata. Code: [Select]Lens 5.8 - 17.4 mmThis is the culprit in my case.
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