FF1C3D30:E92D4010 DecryptoFir STMFD SP!, {R4, LR} ; ===== SUB =====FF1C3D34:E1A04000 MOV R4, R0 ; .fir start addressFF1C3D38:E5900024 LDR R0, [R0,#0x24] ; Updater1 header startFF1C3D3C:E3500030 CMP R0, #0x30 FF1C3D40:0A000012 BEQ DecryptoFir_1 FF1C3D44:E59F1084 LDR R1, =0xAFCC ; dw_FF1C3DD0FF1C3D48:E1A00004 MOV R0, R4 FF1C3D4C:EB043B6B BL sub_FF2D2B00 FF1C3D50:E3500000 CMP R0, #0 FF1C3D54:1A00000F BNE DecryptoFir_2 FF1C3D58:E59F1070 LDR R1, =0xAFCC ; dw_FF1C3DD0FF1C3D5C:E1A00004 MOV R0, R4 FF1C3D60:EB043BAD BL sub_FF2D2C1C FF1C3D64:E3500000 CMP R0, #0 FF1C3D68:1A00000A BNE DecryptoFir_2 FF1C3D6C:E1A00004 MOV R0, R4 FF1C3D70:EB043C02 BL UpdaterDecipher_caller FF1C3D74:E3500000 CMP R0, #0 FF1C3D78:1A000006 BNE DecryptoFir_2 FF1C3D7C:E59F1050 LDR R1, =0xAFAC ; dw_FF1C3DD4FF1C3D80:E1A00004 MOV R0, R4 FF1C3D84:EB043C85 BL FirmwareDecryptAndChecksum FF1C3D88:E3500000 CMP R0, #0 FF1C3D8C:1A000001 BNE DecryptoFir_2 FF1C3D90:E3A00000 DecryptoFir_1 MOV R0, #0 FF1C3D94:E8BD8010 LDMFD SP!, {R4, PC} -- ------------------------------------FF1C3D98:E3E00000 DecryptoFir_2 MVN R0, #0 ; R0=FFFFFFFF, ErrorFF1C3D9C:E8BD8010 LDMFD SP!, {R4, PC}
FF2D2FA0:E92D4010 FirmwareDecryptAndChecksum STMFD SP!, {R4, LR} ; ===== SUB =====FF2D2FA4:E1A04000 MOV R4, R0 ; .fir start addressFF2D2FA8:E5900030 LDR R0, [R0,#0x30] ; Firmware start offsetFF2D2FAC:E7B02004 LDR R2, [R0,R4]! FF2D2FB0:E0820000 ADD R0, R2, R0 ; Firmware start addressFF2D2FB4:E594202C LDR R2, [R4,#0x2C] ; Updater2 start offsetFF2D2FB8:EBFFFF83 BL FirmwareDecrypt FF2D2FBC:E3700001 CMN R0, #1 FF2D2FC0:08BD8010 LDMEQFD SP!, {R4, PC} FF2D2FC4:E3A00000 MOV R0, #0 FF2D2FC8:E5840020 STR R0, [R4,#0x20] ; Clear checksumFF2D2FCC:E594C038 LDR R12, [R4,#0x38] ; Firmware file sizeFF2D2FD0:E1A00004 MOV R0, R4 FF2D2FD4:E3A02000 MOV R2, #0 FF2D2FD8:E3A01000 MOV R1, #0 FF2D2FDC:E151000C FirmwareDecryptAndChecksum_1 CMP R1, R12 FF2D2FE0:34D03001 LDRCCB R3, [R0],#1 FF2D2FE4:32811001 ADDCC R1, R1, #1 FF2D2FE8:30832002 ADDCC R2, R3, R2 ; Calc checksumFF2D2FEC:3AFFFFFA BCC FirmwareDecryptAndChecksum_1 FF2D2FF0:E1E00002 MVN R0, R2 FF2D2FF4:E5840020 STR R0, [R4,#0x20] ; Store checksumFF2D2FF8:E3A00000 MOV R0, #0 FF2D2FFC:E8BD8010 LDMFD SP!, {R4, PC}
look for Tyra Misoux and Dmit posts in this forum for clues on payload encryption...
yes, Dmit already got the solution in Sept 2009.
Their efforts seem to be proportional to the margin on the camera, which makes sense. If we could modify the 550d then the gap between it and the 7d would become much less. Other hardware hacking projects have gone private for this reason e.g. XBox.
...I must add that for the 550d, we have only the -service- firmware (which should contain a bonus), not the usual one...I currently work with other people ... with who there is a mutual trust relationshipArm.Indy
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