I wrote a script that perhaps others may find useful. This script generates a "snapshot in time" report of camera settings using the currently available "get" statements in CHDK uBasic - with the exception of "get_platform_id" and "get_tv". I was unable to get the two statements to work, but I included "get_platform_id" and "get_tv" in the script as "rem" statements in case someone wants to experiment. Although all of the uBasic statements run error free on my SX20IS, I wasn't able to check if all will work on other cameras.
There is only one paramater - "FilNum". It allows you generate multiple reports (from LOG_0000.TXT through LOG_9999.TXT) for comparison, documentation, etc. The script generates the report(s) on the SD card in the CHDK/LOGS folder.
Here's a portion of the report so that you can see what it looks like (using WordPad rather than Notepad to view TXT file). I put a timestamp at the beginning and end so you can see how long it takes to generate the report.
Log of Current Settings
Date: 13/6/2010 Time: 19:12:43
Autostart: 0
0=off, 1=on, 2=once
Display_mode: 0
0=show icons
1=do not show
2=LCD off
Drive_mode: 0
2=timer on Digic II
3=timer on Digic III
Ev: 0
propcase 25/107 for Digic II/Digic III
Exp_count: 602
number of shots in a session
Flash_mode: 2
0, 1, 2 = flash auto, on, off
If you'd like a copy of the script and the report I ran you can download it here (5 KB):