What are the lua commands to get/set ISO and zoom?
Or you can use propcases, which will be platform independent if you use propcase.lua
void shooting_set_sv96(short sv96, short is_now){ short dsv96=0, iso_mode=shooting_get_canon_iso_mode(); if ((mode_get()&MODE_MASK) != MODE_PLAY) { if (is_now) { if (iso_mode<50) dsv96 =sv96-shooting_get_base_sv96(); else if (sv96_base) dsv96=sv96-sv96_base; else if (sv96_base_tmp) dsv96=sv96-sv96_base_tmp; else { sv96_base_tmp= (short)((shooting_get_svm96_base()*shooting_get_sv96())/shooting_get_svm96()); dsv96=sv96-sv96_base_tmp; } while ((shooting_is_flash_ready()!=1) || (focus_busy)); short svm96_base =shooting_get_svm96_base(); if (iso_mode>=50) shooting_set_iso_mode(0); set_property_case(PROPCASE_SV_MARKET, &svm96_base, sizeof(svm96_base)); set_property_case(PROPCASE_SV, &sv96, sizeof(sv96)); set_property_case(PROPCASE_DELTA_SV, &dsv96, sizeof(dsv96)); } else photo_param_put_off.sv96=sv96; }}
If you want to set iso by propcase, you probably need to set it in halfshoot after get_shooting() becomes true, like the overrides do. If you do that, setting PROPACASE_SV to the desired "real" APEX*96 value should do the trick.Or you could just use set_sv96 before halfshoot.
props=require("propcase")pTV=props.TVpTV2=props.TV2pSV=props.SV -- sv96pDELTA_SV=props.DELTA_SV -- sv96 change from market sv-- don't need to know SV_MARKET-- pSV_MARKET=props.SV_MARKET -- market sv is one the camera can produce, i.e. 100,200,400 ISO etc.-- calcuate tv and sv (Apex96) values based on meter readings after shoot_half set_prop(pTV,tv) -- sets actual exposure set_prop(pTV2,tv) --sets EXIF data set_prop(pDELTA_SV,sv-get_prop(pSV)+get_prop(pDELTA_SV)) -- sets actual exposure set_prop(pSV,sv) -- sets EXIF data-- click shoot_full() to take picture with new sv and tv (without another shoot_half)
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