Triggering flashlight from code in A470/102C - page 3 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Triggering flashlight from code in A470/102C

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Offline fudgey

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Re: Triggering flashlight from code in A470/102C
« Reply #20 on: 15 / February / 2011, 12:57:59 »
The script does't run on my S90:
:34: attempt to call glob
al 'call_event_proc' (a n
il values)

The call_event_proc command is not enabled by default in CHDK. Enable OPT_LUA_CALL_NATIVE and rebuild but do read and understand the warnings involved.

Re: Triggering flashlight from code in A470/102C
« Reply #21 on: 15 / February / 2011, 18:50:26 »
Thank you!
I'll try to find


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Re: Triggering flashlight from code in A470/102C
« Reply #22 on: 16 / February / 2011, 01:23:28 »

You may also try the CHDK-DE build from the CHDKDE Autobuild Server.
Native calls are enabled by default there.
To swap from german language to english, just rename or delete the german.lng file in the \CHDK\LANG folder...

Re: Triggering flashlight from code in A470/102C
« Reply #23 on: 14 / June / 2011, 18:14:19 »
It's ok now, everything seems to work, the german build, the script...but i don't understand all the parameters of the script...
@ Vi:
could you explain to me the caracteristic of the parameters...?
Could you give me an example of values...Is the default values work well?
If i want 3 flashes in a picture of 2 seconds exposure time, how can i do?
Sorry for these simply questions...but it's not easy for me, and i don't want to make mistakes with this kind of script which can injure my camera...
thx a lot


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Re: Triggering flashlight from code in A470/102C
« Reply #24 on: 14 / June / 2011, 19:10:16 »
There are 5 parameters:
1. Speep - delay between flashes
2. Presleep - delay before the first flash
3. Power - power of discharge
4. Charge? - Charge before starting shooting?
5. Number of flashes - Number of flashes

Parameter values (except of "Charge?") are in form of 10^order * value.
For example, if you want to wait for 5 seconds before the first flash, you set presleep=5 and presleep_order=3.
5*10^3 milliseconds = 5000 milliseconds = 5 seconds.
The same for power. If power_order=0 then power means "1,2,3,4,...", if power_order=1 then power means "10,20,30,40,...".
Power=0 means single maximum charge (subsequent attempts will not produce usable flash).
Power=1 means minimum charge (you can hardly see it in daylight), but it can flas@param rh 100 times and more
Sleep is a delay between flashes. sleep=0 means no additional delay (there is still a delay depending on the mode. Fastest flashes are in video record mode. Slowest are in play mode).
Don't let the flashes start too early (while the camera is not yet exposuring) or finish too late (when it already finished and processing the photo) as camera can crash. So don't try "preleep=0".

Here are suggested parameters for your case:
sleep=5 (wait for half a second between each flash).
sleep_order=2 (means unit is 100 milliseconds)
presleep=5 (wait for half a second before the first flash. Adjust if it is bad.)
power=20 (experiment and adjust)
« Last Edit: 14 / June / 2011, 19:17:34 by vi »

Re: Triggering flashlight from code in A470/102C
« Reply #25 on: 14 / June / 2011, 21:05:23 »
You answer what i need and in a record time!

So I have some other questions:
-I don't really understand the charge value..?
-for the power, "0 means single maximum charge" and is that means that's a flash with really low level intensity?  What is the values of parameters for the minimum flash intensity and the maximum one?
-If i want to sleep 5 sec before the first flash (your example), i can write presleep=5 and presleep order=3  OR presleep=5 and order=0...isn't it?
big thanks!

Re: Triggering flashlight from code in A470/102C
« Reply #26 on: 14 / June / 2011, 21:22:57 »
When i use the parameters you customize for me, in Manual: mode 5"... I think there's a flash starting just at the beginning of the picture, maybe before...and i don't 3 flashes...I change values a little, but it's difficult to feel the differences... Sometimes  I think that there's difference flash intensity...?  In video mode, you can use this script???
It's fun to play with that script! I search for the good values


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Re: Triggering flashlight from code in A470/102C
« Reply #27 on: 18 / June / 2011, 22:57:40 »
I don't really understand the charge value. For the power, "0 means single maximum charge" and is that means that's a flash with really low level intensity?
"1" is minimum intensity. the more power - the brighter the flash (but it can be triggered fewer times on single charge). "power=0" is special - it is maximum power, like "100" or "255" (I don't know what is read maximum).

What is the values of parameters for the minimum flash intensity and the maximum one?
1 is minimum. I haven't measured what is maximum, but "0" also serves as maximum. There's discontinuity between power=0 and power=1

If i want to sleep 5 sec before the first flash (your example), can I write presleep=5 and presleep order=3  OR presleep=5 and order=0?
"presleep=5 and presleep order=3" means 5000 milliseconds means 5 seconds - a bit too much probably.
"presleep=5 and order=0" means 5 milliseconds means 0.005 seconds, i.e. almost no sleep. Don't use that low values.


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Re: Triggering flashlight from code in A470/102C
« Reply #28 on: 18 / June / 2011, 23:02:16 »
When i use the parameters you customize for me, in Manual: mode 5"... I think there's a flash starting just at the beginning of the picture, maybe before...and i don't 3 flashes...
Have you disabled normal flash (i.e. in settings)? If you are using this script the camera itself should be configured not to trigger it.

I change values a little, but it's difficult to feel the differences... Sometimes  I think that there's difference flash intensity...? 
You may experiment in play mode first.

In video mode, you can use this script???
Yes, and it can strobe much faster. Set low intensity (about 2 to 5) and record flashy video.


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