In the list of compatible cameras appears "Power Shot SD100" but without the suffix. Is it possible that this camera is not compatible with CHDK? Any idea how the firmware can be displayed in this camera?
After several trials I gave up with the ver.req and vers.req files, it definitely did not work. CameraVersion did also not work as the download of the latest version had reached the limit. Finally with ACID I was able to find the firmware.
CameraVersion did also not work as the download of the latest version had reached the limit.
I tried a couple other versions of STICK, but there is only one version that will allow me to drag and drop my photo and that is the .bat file.
Started by acorrias RAW Shooting and Processing
Started by The Serb King General Discussion and Assistance
Started by General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases
Started by Sam Bruk General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases
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