Ixus 55 / SD450: First beta version of CHDK port available for 1.00B and 1.00C - page 2 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Ixus 55 / SD450: First beta version of CHDK port available for 1.00B and 1.00C

  • 82 Replies
Re: Ixus 55 / SD450 Firmware 1.00B: First beta version of CHDK port available
« Reply #10 on: 18 / February / 2008, 04:43:56 »
just checked my camera.... nooooo!!  1.00C!  dammit!

ah well, back to waiting....   thanks anyway for the great work on this.  i dont suppose i can downgrade to 1.00B somehow? ;)

Re: Ixus 55 / SD450 Firmware 1.00B: First beta version of CHDK port available
« Reply #11 on: 19 / February / 2008, 22:05:59 »
I've got v1.00D.  If you can post the software & hardware (including LED addresses) you used, I'll try dumping the firmware.  (I've come across a lot of threads talking about dumping, but none that give a definitive method.)
Thnik about it!


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Re: Ixus 55 / SD450 Firmware 1.00B: First beta version of CHDK port available
« Reply #12 on: 20 / February / 2008, 10:56:59 »
Well I just dumped mine, here is the post I started, dumping it with an BPW34 directly connected to mic in.
Recording audio with audacity. Read it yourself.
or read that one: Porting the CHDK - CHDK Wiki

If you need some more things, feel free to write to me.

Re: Ixus 55 / SD450 Firmware 1.00B: First beta version of CHDK port available
« Reply #13 on: 20 / February / 2008, 12:09:48 »
« Last Edit: 20 / February / 2008, 17:23:45 by mungler »

Re: Ixus 55 / SD450 First beta version of CHDK port available for 1.00B / 1.00C
« Reply #14 on: 22 / February / 2008, 17:13:39 »
okok I give up ;-)

Here is the first attempt of an Ixus55 port for firmware 1.00B and 1.00C based on the latest Allbest trunk as of today:

allbest_ixus55_100bc.zip - 3.56MB

You can find the compiled firmware in bin/1.00B and bin/1.00C.

Please note that this version still seems somewhat buggy: Histogram and Zebra mode do not behave correctly (they did in the allbest trunk as of beginning of February). But I am too tired to find out the reason myself currently... ;-)
Raw shooting, scripting, etc seems to work though, so please test this version and post all bug-reports in this thread.
Hopefully we'll have a stable version soon that can be included into the CVS.

- 3DBruce
@mungler: Please keep your money ...  I do have a (more than) full-time job already ;-))

« Last Edit: 23 / February / 2008, 13:59:42 by mungler »

yes... first of all thanks for your work

I think shutter speed override doesn't work (1.00C version): I fix it to 1/1000s and I can see TV:0.00100 on screen
but when I half press the shutter button, this change to 0.5xxx (similar value to the standard canon advisor 0.5'' that appears in the screen's bottom) and this half second is used when I shoot...
The same with ISO override... perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but no problem with same adjusts in my A630...
« Last Edit: 23 / February / 2008, 17:10:43 by pitquim »

ok, first bug fixed (hopefully ;-)

allbest_ixus55_100bc_b2.zip - 3.56MB

Histogram and Zebra should work now. Please test.

Will look at the other issues next. Please help testing, because I do not have the time (and knowledge ;-) to really test every  function of the CHDK thoroughly.

- 3DBruce

Histogram and Zebra now work, but I'm sitill unable to use overrrides. As I described before, Shutter speed seems to be set but change when pressing the shutter release button.
Also I can't see any differences among pictures taken with ND off, In or Out... same histogram, same shutter speed...
(version 1.00C)

Histogram and Zebra now work, but I'm sitill unable to use overrrides. As I described before, Shutter speed seems to be set but change when pressing the shutter release button.
Also I can't see any differences among pictures taken with ND off, In or Out... same histogram, same shutter speed...
(version 1.00C)
Hi pitquim,
I know, will look at that next. Since I haven't used that function yet I haven't tested it. Don't know how long it takes to fix, because I have to understand the corresponding coding first ...


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