I just loaded 1.00c on my new sd780 & I think I got a brief look at the chdk spash screen, but all the instructions say to use the 'shortcut' button to get into the ALT/CHDK menu. Can you/anyone tell me how to activate the CHDK menu on the SD780?
(Note: ALT is DISP key & DISP key is long held DISP)
bump.I really whana try this but im a bit scared to mess up my camera. Isnt there anybody who knows if it's ok for me to use the 1.00c version?joel
Started by 3DBruce « 1 2 ... 8 9 » General Discussion and Assistance
Started by bebetelanuite General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases
Started by Obihoernchen « 1 2 3 4 » Firmware Dumping
Started by george7378 General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases
Started by alvm Firmware Dumping