Hi all
I'm trying to find a way of taking photos with a faster shutter speed than normal (default is 1/2000 I think) on my A480. I've loaded the CHDK firmware onto the camera without problems, but I'm really struggling finding the settings that I need to adjust!
Could somebody give me some settings to use as a starting point please so I can experiment with initally working settings? I'm currently taking pitch black photos (incorrect ISO with a stupidly high shutter speed I believe?) or blured photos (incorrect settings I guess). Eventually I hope to be able to take photos this winter of fast moving wintersports, so I've got several months to try and get to grips with it all
I've looked through the forums/google, but what I find goes way over my head and is probably irrelevant to my camera! I'm an utter beginner with photography, this is the first camera I've owned in 20yrs that doesn't have a phone attached to it! I'm willing to learn though, and am having plenty of fun!
Many thanks in advance!