We used to dream about have 2732's & 2764's instead of the 3 voltage 2708's we were stuck with ....
Ahhh fun days, hours spent UV erasing EPROMS, (Warning: Don't stare into the eraser with your remaining good eye).
...all so we could put the latest magic boot firmware (or hacked up peripheral driver) into some over priced Unix machine that some clown would pour coffee into a week or so later so we could come out and replace the same parts again...
The other thing I seemed to spend my life replacing in those days were 1488 and 1489 serial line drivers.... soldered onto the PCB naturally. I once managed to set fire to the customer's carpet doing that, fortunately over priced Unix machines were very heavy, and could be heaved conveniently on top of burnt carpet, with little chance that the damage would be discovered till long after I had gone....
Back on topic though, that latest build looks fine, all tests pass, colo(u)rs look ok, carpet is unburnt.