// Turn OFF SD Card power// to support autostart LDR R3, =0xC0220048 MOV R2, #0x44 STR R2, [R3]
ok, I have tested the LUA script suggestion for powering down the SD. It runs without any errors, but equally, does not seem to have any affect on the eye-fi card itself. I will try posting to the eye-fi forum to see if there may be any reason for this. unless of course there are any other suggestions ?
Otherwise, you might have to resort to an external device to physically powercycle the camera. Depending what you are doing, this may be a good idea anyway, see http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,5565.0.html
Hi guys, can you give me idea what can I try for A3400? it's difficult for me to read the content of /chdk/loader/a3400/entry.S file.
I want to turn it off SD card power, wait for a second, and then turn it back on in lua
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