Canon G7 + eye-fi issues - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Canon G7 + eye-fi issues

  • 17 Replies
Canon G7 + eye-fi issues
« on: 16 / August / 2010, 17:57:54 »
I have a canon g7 running chdk with an eye-fi connect x2 for doing a long term remote time lapse from an inaccessible position. The whole setup works perfectly, except that periodically, the eye-fi card stops uploading (can be hours or days). It is not a power issue as the eye-fi card log suggests the card is still running. I suspect it is some issue with the eye-fi card. power cycling the camera seems to fix the issue.

As a short term fix I was wondering whether there was some way I could reset the eye-fi card from within the intervalometer script, for example by controlling the power to the SD card slot from within CHDK.

Does anyone know if this is possible, or have any other suggestions about how I could get around this issue ?

ANy advice much appreciated.


Offline reyalp

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Re: Canon G7 + eye-fi issues
« Reply #1 on: 17 / August / 2010, 00:03:45 »
I'd suggest contacting eyefi support. What you describe does not sound like a CHDK problem. At least some of their staff know about CHDK,5068.msg49891.html#msg49891

It may be possible to cycle SD power from firmware code, but I'm not sure what the firmware would think of that happening while it is running, or whether it will actually reboot the eyefi.

From the G7 loader code:
Code: [Select]
// Turn OFF SD Card power
// to support autostart
LDR     R3, =0xC0220048
MOV     R2, #0x44
STR     R2, [R3]
To turn it off, wait for a second, and then turn it back on in lua should be
Code: [Select]
Note to anyone else reading this address is camera model specific. The above should be correct for G7.

I tried the equivalent on my D10 (address 0xC0220018), and it doesn't seem to have had any effect. Nor did simply running the off portion, so I'm not really confident it's doing what it says on the tin.

A camera reboot might cycle it as well. I'm not sure if there is currently a good way to do this from script, but it should be possible. With a native-call enabled CHDK, you should be able to call the function that loads DISKBOOT.BIN or PS.FIR

Simply jumping to FFFF0000 does not appear to have the desired effect.
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Re: Canon G7 + eye-fi issues
« Reply #2 on: 17 / August / 2010, 02:57:51 »
Thanks for the helpful response. I am in the process of following the eye-fi support route too, but no joy thus far.

I will give you LUA code suggestions a try tonight and see if it works to reset the card. It should be pretty clear from the eye-fi log if it has or not.

Re: Canon G7 + eye-fi issues
« Reply #3 on: 17 / August / 2010, 18:10:23 »
ok, I have tested the LUA script suggestion for powering down the SD. It runs without any errors, but equally, does not seem to have any affect on the eye-fi card itself. I will try posting to the eye-fi forum to see if there may be any reason for this. unless of course there are any other suggestions ?




Offline reyalp

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Re: Canon G7 + eye-fi issues
« Reply #4 on: 17 / August / 2010, 18:27:08 »
ok, I have tested the LUA script suggestion for powering down the SD. It runs without any errors, but equally, does not seem to have any affect on the eye-fi card itself. I will try posting to the eye-fi forum to see if there may be any reason for this. unless of course there are any other suggestions ?
Yeah, I expected this since the "off" setting didn't seem to affect my d10.

The PTP builds have reboot capability, I don't know if this resets the SD card. You check it does by running "firm update" manually and checking the eyefi got rebooted as well. If that does it, someone can probably make you a build with this capability in script.

Otherwise, you might have to resort to an external device to physically powercycle the camera. Depending what you are doing, this may be a good idea anyway, see,5565.0.html
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Re: Canon G7 + eye-fi issues
« Reply #5 on: 18 / August / 2010, 04:04:58 »
Otherwise, you might have to resort to an external device to physically powercycle the camera. Depending what you are doing, this may be a good idea anyway, see,5565.0.html

It's a shame that technique does not work as it would be quite a tidy method of clearing any eye-fi issues without needing to reset the entire camera. The firmware reboot is a potential, but it seems it would be quite some effort to get working, and it may not even do the job. I have read about bodging the power button before, but had sort of snubbed that option on the grounds that there must be a better way of doing it. However, I did test it last night and it seems to work fine, so at least in the short term I will go with that.

Thanks for your help. much appreciated.


Offline timgor

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Re: Canon G7 + eye-fi issues
« Reply #6 on: 06 / July / 2013, 16:24:50 »
Hi guys, can you give me idea what can I try for A3400? it's difficult for me to read the content of /chdk/loader/a3400/entry.S file.


Offline reyalp

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Re: Canon G7 + eye-fi issues
« Reply #7 on: 06 / July / 2013, 16:39:19 »
Hi guys, can you give me idea what can I try for A3400? it's difficult for me to read the content of /chdk/loader/a3400/entry.S file.
I'm not clear what you are asking. The "toggle sd power" idea above appears not to have worked.

What are you trying to do?
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Offline timgor

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Re: Canon G7 + eye-fi issues
« Reply #8 on: 06 / July / 2013, 17:37:14 »
I want to turn it off SD card power, wait for a second, and then turn it back on in lua


Offline reyalp

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Re: Canon G7 + eye-fi issues
« Reply #9 on: 06 / July / 2013, 17:46:44 »
I want to turn it off SD card power, wait for a second, and then turn it back on in lua
OK. The conclusion of this thread was that toggling supposed "SD card power" MMIO did not accomplish this. The a3400 code does not have that code in entry.S, so someone would need to find the MMIO values if you wanted to try, but it seems pointless since it didn't work on cameras where the value was known.

Have you tried rebooting the camera using the reboot() function? If software is capable of resetting the card, it seems like there's a good chance this would do it.
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