Erase CRW/CR2/DNG files without corresponding JPG - page 6 - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum

Erase CRW/CR2/DNG files without corresponding JPG

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Offline PhyrePhoX

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Re: Erase JPG along with corresponding CRW in any folder - done
« Reply #50 on: 07 / March / 2008, 09:20:53 »
now it boots on my a620. well done. a quick way to check if raw purging was successful is to compare free diskspace before and after (directly in filebrowser). this way i just won 100 MB. overall, nice feature.
maybe this can be spiced up by adding menu entries like "purge all avis" or "purge all avis bigger than 10 MB" or something.
* PhyrePhoX drools :D


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Re: Erase JPG along with corresponding CRW in any folder - done
« Reply #51 on: 07 / March / 2008, 11:42:55 »
Ah!, good it works in other cameras. It was a compilation problem. The Purge RAW should be "platform independent".

I will see what else can I add to it this weekend.


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Re: Erase JPG along with corresponding CRW in any folder - done
« Reply #52 on: 14 / March / 2008, 11:57:22 »
So, it looks like there are no more bugs with this function.

Jucifer has added it to his code.

I hope you find it useful. I learned a lot while writing it. And thank you all for your help!

Re: Erase JPG along with corresponding CRW in any folder - done
« Reply #53 on: 16 / March / 2008, 00:15:25 »
Can someone convert this for the SD850? I'd like to test it, but don't know how to create the file myself.


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Re: Erase JPG along with corresponding CRW in any folder - done
« Reply #54 on: 16 / March / 2008, 04:35:21 »
- deleted -

« Last Edit: 16 / March / 2008, 04:40:28 by whim »


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Re: Erase JPG along with corresponding CRW in any folder - done
« Reply #55 on: 18 / March / 2008, 09:17:47 »
Hi rocstar

I added a new link for SD850 build (Reply #31)

Thanks for testing. Please let me know if it works or not.


Offline PhyrePhoX

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Re: Erase JPG along with corresponding CRW in any folder - done
« Reply #56 on: 18 / March / 2008, 09:25:31 »
by the way did you add a "xyz raw files deleted" popup yet? otherwise i dont see a reason why this shouldnt end up in official trunk. :)

i included your diff in my binaries @ a few enhancements, bugfixes

one thing i noticed: while it is purging, the camera isnt responding to anything, right? at first i thought the binary was broken, but then operation resumed. so yes, a progress bar would rule :)
« Last Edit: 18 / March / 2008, 17:58:41 by PhyrePhoX »


Offline PhyrePhoX

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Re: Erase JPG along with corresponding CRW in any folder - done
« Reply #57 on: 20 / March / 2008, 14:36:10 »
may i request another feature? can you add the "raw develop" to the filemenu in the filebrowser? it's quiete confusing to only find it in the raw menu, while raw average and raw sum are in filebrowser. i tried to do it myself, but great is the valley of stones for me to cross to understand how the filebrowser & menu works. and since you already are editing the menu... :)
by the way, how did you come up with that 0x0080? i couldnt figure it out myself, and so i am not able to add a menu entry. what are these values for?
#define MPOPUP_PURGE            0x0080


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Re: Erase JPG along with corresponding CRW in any folder - done
« Reply #58 on: 20 / March / 2008, 15:51:56 »
Ok, I'll do it. But sorry, I'm affraid not very soon. Big real-job deadline next week.
But I noticed that the filemenu is almost full. With Purge RAW it has 8 elements, and I think the limit is 9. If someone in the future wants to add something else, he/she will have to come up with some kind of sidebar.
May be, may be not. I don't know what happens if the limit is exceeded but whoever wrote the file menu did it well because for example, I noticed the popup windows resize themselves if you write a string longer than the screen in them.

Regarding that address, jejejeje, I had problems too. I just came with the next power of two and it worked I don't know why.
There was a gap between RAW_AVERAGE 0x0040 and CANCEL 0x0100 and I filled it with PURGE 0x0080.
I bet the next working address is 0x0200

But we should ask ewavr (I think he wrote this). There should be an explanation.

Have fun!

Code: (c) [Select]
#define MPOPUP_MASK             0x00FF
#define MPOPUP_CUT              0x0001
#define MPOPUP_COPY             0x0002
#define MPOPUP_PASTE            0x0004
#define MPOPUP_DELETE           0x0008
#define MPOPUP_SELINV           0x0010
#define MPOPUP_RAW_ADD 0x0020
#define MPOPUP_RAW_AVERAGE 0x0040
#define MPOPUP_CANCEL           0x0100
#define MPOPUP_PURGE            0x0080

Edit: Darn, I'm starting to sound like those low-level  hexadecimal guys. You try to read their posts but they don't speak english anymore, it is just 0x this and 0x that.
« Last Edit: 20 / March / 2008, 16:16:51 by wontolla »


Offline PhyrePhoX

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Re: Erase JPG along with corresponding CRW in any folder - done
« Reply #59 on: 20 / March / 2008, 16:40:21 »
take your time, "real life" is always the most important thing to take care of.
ur right, menu already has a lot of entries. the entries show up dynamically though, for example the raw develop entry shouldnt popup when you mark multiple files, and vice versa the raw average entry shouldnt pop up when you only mark one file.
anyways, good luck with that job thingy :)

oopsydaisy: found a bug. purge raw executed on the DCIM top folder crashes the camera. i had some deletable raw files (no corresponding jpg) in there, scattered around the IMG folders. the blue led was lit up a few times, then the camera died (tried this in rec and playback mode, cam just dies even with lens extruded). later i ran the raw purge on each img folder, that worked (though no raws got deleted, as the DCIM purge got them all i think) well.
in the end i reran the DCIM purge all test to check if camera only crashes when there are deletable raws, but it crashed again.

this is my file structure, maybe this is useful:
- 100CANON - 0 pics inside
- 122CANON - 41 inside
- 123CANON - 61 inside
- 124CANON - 61 inside
no raws left in sd-card, only jpgs. still cam crashes.

sorry to tell you ;)

maybe it crashes in a loop or something. too bad there isnt a debugger :D
« Last Edit: 20 / March / 2008, 16:58:44 by PhyrePhoX »


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