Here's a minor patch for a2000-100c that fixes a build issue encountered while using gcc 4.4.3 with binutils (CodeSourcery). It seems that "as" fails with an internal compiler error when branching to "direct" addresses. So changing the code to use sub_ fixes the problem.
--- ./capt_seq.c.orig 2010-05-29 15:21:33.491093721 -0600
+++ ./capt_seq.c 2010-05-30 22:26:43.675083353 -0600
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) cap
" BEQ loc_FFC4AEB8\n"
" LDR R1, =0x539\n"
" LDR R0, =0xFFC4AA98\n" // "SsShootTask.c"
-" BL 0xFFC0BD98\n" // DebugAssert
-" BL 0xFFC0BB50\n" // eventproc_export_ExitTask ; LOCATION: KerTask.c:0
+" BL sub_FFC0BD98\n" // DebugAssert
+" BL sub_FFC0BB50\n" // eventproc_export_ExitTask ; LOCATION: KerTask.c:0
" LDMFD SP!, {R3-R7,PC}\n"
" LDR R0, [SP]\n"