Both of these are tasks, which sit in a loop waiting for messages as long as the camera is running. The messages are sent to these tasks at various point. I haven't looked at the movie one, but I've investigated capt_seq in some detail.
There are messages sent when shooting settings changed, after half press, after the shot is taken, and so on.
tick dt msg# physw[0] physw[1] physw[2] .... debug values...
21410 0 0x00 0x1CC42EE3 0xE04A650D 0x00208FFE 0x00000000 0xFEEDBABE 0xEA75BEEF 0xC0FFEEEE
22950 1540 0x01 0x9CC42EE1 0xE04A6B4D 0x0020AFFC 0x00000000 0xFEEDBABE 0x0000007B 0xC0FFEEEE
23780 830 0x1E 0x1CC426E2 0xE04A654D 0x00208FFF 0xDEADBEEF 0xFEEDBABE 0xEA75BEEF 0xC0FFEEEE
23780 0 0x04 0x1CC426E2 0xE04A654D 0x00208FFF 0xDEADBEEF 0xFEEDBABE 0xEA75BEEF 0xC0FFEEEE
23890 110 0x1C 0x1CC426E1 0xE04A6B4D 0x0020AFFF 0xDEADBEEF 0xFEEDBABE 0xEA75BEEF 0xC0FFEEEE
Above is from a normal still shot. You can see the shoot button state in physw[2]: *FE is half press, *FC is full press. Not that this is the buttons state when the message arrived, not the time the button changed. msg# 0 is sent 50ms after kbd task notices the half press.