>RAW images are only readable after DNG conversion and badpixel.lua does not work.
are the colors correct on your DNG RAW ?
On IX 1000 dng RAW colors are wrong.
thanks for info, your zebra mode draw something,
for the overexpose point marker problem, you can avoid when you use 16:9 shooting mode, find out yesterday
so there is a general problem in chdk when a camera have a 16:9 display, and use 4:3 shooting mode.
a fixed value define for aspect is not enough.
Or there should learn to live with 16:9 shooting mode when use chdk.
But i notice that the grid overlays are too small for 19:9 shooting mode.so seem there need new grids for 16:9 displays.
Or is there something wrong with the aspect parameter ?
But edge overlay work correct in 16:9 shooting mode on IX 1000 so the data access should be ok.strange wy zebra show nothing on IX 1000.I think when you switch on wide zebra work ok on IX 300 then.
here i have also more written about this problem.i think there need a way to detect what aspect the capture resolution currently have and when its 4:3 then there should add a offset in x to center correct on the IX 300 IX 1000 19:9 display