what I am interested in now is what you mentioend about EXIF data. Will the EXIF data (when viewed on a PC) mentioned the overridden shutted speed if I shot it useing the override in "extra photo ops menu" or only if I did it using a separate script as you mentioned?
It's there in either case. CHDK actually overrides (fools) the camera the same way in either case, it's just the CHDK user interface that differs. But it seems that (at least on my a570) the camera does not update its EXIF data between shots in continuous shooting mode. That means continuous mode bracketing shots other than the first one will not have proper values in EXIF but the first shot values instead (this puzzles me as previously I thought they did).
Two examples from my camera: IMG_1509.JPG had shutter speed override enabled from the extra photo operations menu and IMG_6578.JPG didn't:
exiftool -MakerNotes:ExposureTime -ExposureTime -ShutterSpeed -ShutterSpeedValue -TargetExposureTime *.JPG
======== IMG_1509.JPG
Exposure Time : 1/9955
Exposure Time : 1/2000
Shutter Speed : 1/2000
Shutter Speed Value : 1/2004
Target Exposure Time : 1/2004
======== IMG_6578.JPG
Exposure Time : 1/256
Exposure Time : 1/250
Shutter Speed : 1/250
Shutter Speed Value : 1/251
Target Exposure Time : 1/251
The first one is what exposure time really was (unless you went past the camera's physical capabilities), the next two seem to be what the user interface showed and the last two are probably autoexposure mathematical results.