S95 Porting Thread - page 101 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

S95 Porting Thread

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Offline reyalp

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Re: luar set_record(1) fails in ptpcam
« Reply #1000 on: 07 / May / 2016, 15:51:24 »
Ah! Thanks! Yes, it goes black indeed. Actually, I am currently testing on OSX. I guess I have to kextunload a kernel module.
No idea about that one, maybe something with PTP or MTP in the name. Please let us know if you figure it out.
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Offline reyalp

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Re: S95 Porting Thread
« Reply #1001 on: 31 / December / 2020, 19:03:01 »
Here's a test build for s95 100h with live view functions implemented, based on report by @ToyJammer in https://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=6231.msg144849#msg144849

I updated a bunch of stuff based on sig finder values and ports of the same generation, so a few things would be good to check in addition to basic live view:

1) Live view in different modes, like movie, stitch, different aspect ratios.

edit: build removed
2) check which LEDs set_led() sets, for values 0-3. I didn't actually change this, but it's not documented and needed for the next item. In chdkptp, try
=set_led(0,1) -- turn on led 0
=set_led(0,0) -- turn off led 0
... and and so on, up to set_led(3,...)

3) MD_Tune.bas https://chdk.fandom.com/wiki/Testing#MD_tune.bas - If LED 2 above is not the AF lamp, I'll need to make another build.

4) chdkptp camtests
From the command prompt in the chdkptp directory
Code: [Select]
chdkptp -e"exec require'camtests'.runbatch{bench=true,shoot=true,filexfer=true,xfersizebugs=true}"
« Last Edit: 01 / January / 2021, 01:09:23 by reyalp »
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Offline reyalp

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Re: S95 Porting Thread
« Reply #1002 on: 01 / January / 2021, 01:09:07 »
Updated test build. Same testing requests apply.
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Offline Caefix

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Re: S95 Porting Thread
« Reply #1003 on: 01 / January / 2021, 11:56:46 »
:) Happy new year, happy new cams and free breathways for everybody!

Code: [Select]
chdkptp -e"exec require'camtests'.runbatch{bench=true,shoot=true,filexfer=true,xfersizebugs=true}"
>25 passed, 0 failed, all fine.

MD_Tune.bas fine, too.
led 2 & 3 are same, led(2,1) could be turned off with led(3,0) & v/v.
Stitch seems troubled, good in /DCIM/, but in lifeview sometimes looks like...
++ manual edited palette, nice to compare...
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Offline reyalp

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Re: S95 Porting Thread
« Reply #1004 on: 01 / January / 2021, 15:48:16 »
led 2 & 3 are same, led(2,1) could be turned off with led(3,0) & v/v.
Thanks. I thought there was one too many.
Can you describe which LEDs on the camera are conrolled by which number? I think the there should be 2 different colors for the status LED, and one number should control the AF assist lamp.
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Offline reyalp

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Re: S95 Porting Thread
« Reply #1005 on: 01 / January / 2021, 21:24:10 »
@Caefix here's a test build for the stitch issue.
Please put the camera in stitch mode with live view enabled, click the "quick dump" button in the debug tab, and post the .lvdump file.

The stitch window will likely appear surrounded by garbage. This is expected.

Also, this build has OPT_VIEWPORT_DEBUG enabled (see https://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=14022.msg143092#msg143092). Please set "Show misc vals" in the debug menu and check the number of viewport buffers (row of numbers before the framerate) in still shooting mode, in movie mode, and while recording video.

Thanks :)

Build attached
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Offline Caefix

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Re: S95 Porting Thread
« Reply #1006 on: 02 / January / 2021, 09:53:40 »
led 0 is green, 1 red,  2,3 AF-beem ...
Still shooting : rotating ...0123... worm, movie ...012..., slower during rec. ...
Looks good, so far...  8)
« Last Edit: 02 / January / 2021, 11:37:47 by Caefix »
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Offline reyalp

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Re: S95 Porting Thread
« Reply #1007 on: 02 / January / 2021, 20:12:11 »
led 0 is green, 1 red,  2,3 AF-beem ...
Still shooting : rotating ...0123... worm, movie ...012..., slower during rec. ...
Looks good, so far...  8)
Thanks. Can you get another quick dump of stitch, using the test2 build that had the problem?
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Offline Caefix

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Re: S95 Porting Thread
« Reply #1008 on: 04 / January / 2021, 10:40:57 »
... chdkptp_20210104_162854.ppm.  :-X
You cannot upload that type of file. The only allowed extensions are doc,gif,jpg,mpg,pdf,png,txt,zip,jpeg,diff,patch,c,h,s,lua,bas,csv,log,gz,rar,7z.
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Offline reyalp

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Re: S95 Porting Thread
« Reply #1009 on: 04 / January / 2021, 16:07:41 »
... chdkptp_20210104_162854.ppm.  :-X
I'm a bit confused. The lvdump looks correct to me.

The screenshots show a garbled frame, like what happens normally when you shoot with live view active.

Can you describe what triggers the garbled display in the screenshots? If it only happens when when you actually shoot, that's expected. If it happens in some other way, please explain. If needed, you can record a longer dump with the "dump to file" option, but the file will get VERY large quickly.

As far as allowed file types, these files should be zipped anyway due to the attachment size limit.

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