WANTED: CHDK Party Settings! - General Chat - CHDK Forum

WANTED: CHDK Party Settings!

  • 5 Replies
WANTED: CHDK Party Settings!
« on: 22 / September / 2010, 05:23:22 »
Hi folks, I'd love to use CHDK during parties to take funky pictures of people and to catch the flair.
There are at least these things I'm paying special attention to:

1. lense adjusting in terms of sharp picture should be as fast as possible
2. authentic colors
3. Take picture should stay on screen for viewing (alrady set via normal G11 menu)
4. Pictures of people dancing in very rapid motions should be as clear as possible

How are these (especially the first one) adjustable through CHDK? Point is, that people don't want to wait very long for a snapshot - and in my experience  with the G11 and CHDK turned OFF, the lense takes awhile to adjust - which is simply too long.

What are YOUR ideas (and settings) regarding parties? ALL suggestions are WELCOME.  :xmas

« Last Edit: 22 / September / 2010, 05:31:21 by kingcang »


Offline PhyrePhoX

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Re: WANTED: CHDK Party Settings!
« Reply #1 on: 24 / September / 2010, 08:44:56 »
flash on 2nd/rear curtain. Underexpose by -2 ev. Use manual flash, setting perhaps at 1 or 2. Small aperture & fixed focus.

Re: WANTED: CHDK Party Settings!
« Reply #2 on: 27 / September / 2010, 22:24:09 »
flash on 2nd/rear curtain. Underexpose by -2 ev. Use manual flash, setting perhaps at 1 or 2. Small aperture & fixed focus.

THANKS for taking the time to reply, PhyrePhoX. Please clarify what you mean by "flash on 2nd/rear curtain"..


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Re: WANTED: CHDK Party Settings!
« Reply #3 on: 28 / September / 2010, 13:48:50 »
THANKS for taking the time to reply, PhyrePhoX. Please clarify what you mean by "flash on 2nd/rear curtain"..

He's referring to a setting your camera or its CHDK port might have, that makes flash fire near the end of the exposure instead of at the start of the exposure. This way people that walk by the camera get blurry tails behind them instead of in front of them (assuming exposure time is long compared to the movement).

Re: WANTED: CHDK Party Settings!
« Reply #4 on: 13 / October / 2010, 18:09:45 »
He's referring to a setting your camera or its CHDK port might have, that makes flash fire near the end of the exposure instead of at the start of the exposure. This way people that walk by the camera get blurry tails behind them instead of in front of them (assuming exposure time is long compared to the movement).
Sounds good. I'm looking for some specific settings to produce warm and soft light on my G11 though. With the current settings the flash just eliminates all light on the people in front me, thus leaving the background of the picture pretty dark and the people itself look like if they were just standing there like there's no party at all. I also want to avoid to have too much movement (in terms of seeing stripes of the people walking by) of the people behind the ones I'm actually picturing. In the pictures below, you'll see an example of the type of light I'd like to capture properly:

There's a solution I found that "temporarily" works sometimes - and sometimes just produces unadmirable results: Regardless of having CHDK instaled or not, using the SCN-mode in Nightmode sometimes spits out good pictures, the Sunset-Mode spits out too much orange though.

So how exactly should I set my G11 to catch the funky light, reflections on mirror balls and athmosphere of the party?
« Last Edit: 13 / October / 2010, 18:38:17 by kingcang »

Re: WANTED: CHDK Party Settings!
« Reply #5 on: 04 / November / 2010, 05:18:31 »
Stunning how many people reply here. Found the following settings to work quite good for smooth colours:
Set your G11 to SCN mode --> Night snapshots. Adjust exposure time as desired, less will reduce possible smudges.

Any further hints are still appreciated.

« Last Edit: 15 / November / 2010, 10:40:15 by kingcang »


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