Hi pixeldoc2000,
The actual voltage need depends on the camera hardware.
Hmm... isn't USB always 5V? Anyway, even if its a different voltage, it shouldn't be too difficult to get it from the copter, as long as it's <= 12V.
Nope, i didn't test or implemented Remote Stuff with my beta yet.
Maybe final version will support it, dunno.
Do you have any estimate when you'll know if it's gonna work? Some weeks or rather months? Don't worry, I'm not gonna nail you down to what you say, I'm a software developer myself and I know how "precise" such estimates are. :-)
It's just that this Ixus 300 looks like really nice camera, and I can't wait to get one, but if I remote shutter release doesn't work, I might still have to look for another cam...
What about scripting, does that work yet?
BTW: I stubled over mikrokopter some time ago, sadly it's not a very cheap toy...
i had a few model aircraft some time ago... what frustrated me was, this stuff does tend to "break" and i end up with a bag of very expensive trash more than one time 
Hehe, I fly model aircrafts since more than 10 years and it still happens that I crash them.... Just two weeks ago I crashed an elctric jet (it goes over 200km/h), but I think I can fix it.
The Mikrokopter is actually very easy to fly, since it's got lots of electronics on board to stabilize it. In fact, if you have the GPS and height sensors on board (both is optional), if you don't know what to to anymore you simply take your fingers off the remote and it should stop and stay exactly at its position. But I'm getting off topic here. :-)