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Help, please

  • 3 Replies
Help, please
« on: 09 / August / 2010, 09:52:57 »
Hi all.
I have a SX10IS camera, and thinking to enhance its features |I downloaded and installed the proper CHDK version. It went well, and everything is working as it should, I think... and here is the problem:
I understand how to load CHCK incamera, but when I try to use it I'm overwhelmed by the shear bulk of choices offered to me.
It is not the software's fault but my own, I admit. So, can somebody help me to understand in plain English what the choices mean?
My needs to begin with are very modest; I want to be able to use my camera to take night shots (very long exposures) witn no flash.
I want to be able to calculate the depth of field before taking a picture.
I want to take IR pictures (that is if at all possible to "neutralize" the built in filter).

I'm also interested to know if I have to load this choices (once I find them) every time I boot from the card, or once made, the choices are remembered until modified again.

Thank you in advance for any help. I hope I made myself clear because English is not my mother tongue.....

Sebastian pons


Offline fe50

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Re: Help, please
« Reply #1 on: 10 / August / 2010, 01:22:02 »
Hello & welcome, Sebastian !

can somebody help me to understand in plain English what the choices mean?
I suggest to start with the CHDK user manual: -->

I want to be able to use my camera to take night shots (very long exposures) witn no flash.
* disable (close) the flash
* adjust the Canon camera settings, e.g. like this:
  P mode, fix ISO (100 or 200), select the longest available Canon exposure time (15 seconds)

Now, set up the CHDK overrides:
You can either choose one of the values in Override shutter speed - or you can use this setting in combination with the next menu item, the Value factor, for this set Shutterspeed enum type to [Factor]...

Override shutter speed  [64]
  Value factor          [1]
Shutterspeed enum type  [Factor]

gives you 64 x 1 = 64 s exposure time.

The Canon OSD don't know anything about the CHDK overrides, it only shows values from the internal Canon list,
so on exposure times beyond the Canon limit of 15s the Canon OSD will always show "15s"...

You can enable the additional CHDK OSD values from the OSD (Misc...) menu to see the "real" override values...

I want to be able to calculate the depth of field before taking a picture.
You can enable the CHDK DOF calculator

I want to take IR pictures (that is if at all possible to "neutralize" the built in filter).
The IR filter is part of the lens mechanics, CHDK can't do anything for you here; the only way would be to remove the IR filter...

I'm also interested to know if I have to load this choices (once I find them) every time I boot from the card, or once made, the choices are remembered until modified again.
In most cases you can set this to your needs, e.g. with the Clear override values@start [ ] option from the Extra Photo Operations menu; settings like OSD position, colors, font's etc. are stored in the CHDK config file automatically when you change them.

Have fun with CHDK !

Re: Help, please
« Reply #2 on: 13 / August / 2010, 05:39:38 »
Thank you fe50 for your helpful post. I wasn't aware of an user manual other than the one to download and install the software.
I'm reading it (it will take me a loong time) and I'll post again if there is something I can't understand by myself.
Have a wonderful week end
sebastian pons

Re: Help, please
« Reply #3 on: 07 / October / 2010, 14:03:56 »
ok, user error. my bad  :-X
« Last Edit: 07 / October / 2010, 14:08:04 by jay019 »


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