I tested the SX280 today with the latest stable German CHDK build, CHDK_DE_sx280hs-102b-1.5.1-5835. I thought this included commit 5816 with the GPS data in the DNGs, but the DNGs still don't have the GPS data while the corresponding JPGs have them. Do I have to wait for a later build for this to work?
At the moment, the changes are only present in the "unstable" development version (1.6). I'll consider backporting the DNG fix.edit:I added the DNG fix to the 1.5 branch in r5841.
I see. Thank you for the backport, I guess that'll land in a 1.5.1 build in a month or so.
I didn't really want to run the "unstable" version, but as it might take 1.6 several years to become the stable branch, I'll consider it. How unstable is the "unstable" branch actually? Can I expect frequent crashes or malfunctions? Sorry for all those basic questions, but I'm still rather new to CHDK.
No, the autobuild should update within an hour of a commit or so.
At the moment, there is very little in the 1.6 branch that is different from 1.5, so current 1.6 builds should be pretty much as stable / safe (or otherwise) as 1.5.
int vid_get_viewport_fullscreen_height() { return camera_screen.height; } // may not be always okint vid_get_viewport_buffer_width_proper() { return camera_screen.buffer_width; } // may not be always okint vid_get_viewport_byte_width() { return camera_screen.buffer_width * 2; } // may not be always ok
Researched for another context ... Code: [Select]int vid_get_viewport_fullscreen_height() { return camera_screen.height; } // may not be always okint vid_get_viewport_buffer_width_proper() { return camera_screen.buffer_width; } // may not be always okint vid_get_viewport_byte_width() { return camera_screen.buffer_width * 2; } // may not be always okreplaced the // *** Viewport buffer handling *** block with G16 lines, still missing upper border in (not vga) video. (seems only "issue".) Found missing lines at Sx710, now looks all right...
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