Custom white balance when using flash? - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

Custom white balance when using flash?

  • 1 Replies
Custom white balance when using flash?
« on: 16 / October / 2010, 11:01:35 »
I searched around, but couldn't find anything for this. Is it possible to use CHDK to force white balance while shooting with, like it can force shutter/ISO/aperture? My SX110 only shoots with flash WB, even in manual. Yes, I could shoot RAW, but I'd rather not at this point.

In case you're wondering, I use off-camera strobes (, and I'd like to set the white balance to Tungsten while taking flash pictures.



Offline SkyWalker9

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Re: Custom white balance when using flash?
« Reply #1 on: 21 / October / 2010, 19:46:13 »
I searched around, but couldn't find anything for this. Is it possible to use CHDK to force white balance while shooting with, like it can force shutter/ISO/aperture? My SX110 only shoots with flash WB, even in manual. Yes, I could shoot RAW, but I'd rather not at this point.
You might want to test with PropertyCase. Start with a simple script using get_prop to read the current WB setting of your camera. Once you are successful reading the WB setting, then try changing the WB with the set_prop. If all goes well, you'll know what to use in your more complicated scripts.

To help you along I'm attaching a simple PropertyCase script you can use for testing. Remember, not all of the PropertyCase settings can be changed - some are just read only....

According to

The SX110 is a Digic III camera so I'd try using 268 for the PropID the first time.
- White Balance Mode (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 = Auto, Day Light, Cloudy, Tungsten, Fluorescent, Fluorescent H, Flash [SX10], Custom) 

Save & Copy as popcas.bas to your CHDK/Scripts folder

Code: [Select]
@title popcase
@param a Prop_ID
@default a 268
@param b GetVal
@default b 0
@param c SetVal
@default c 0
@param z Read Only (1=on, 0=off)
@default z 1

get_prop a b
print "Get PropID:"a"  Val:"b

if z=1 then goto "read_only"

set_prop a c
print "Set PropID:"a"  Val:"c

get_prop a b
print "Check PropID:"a"  Val:"b


« Last Edit: 22 / October / 2010, 12:28:41 by SkyWalker9 »


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