rem Author - Keoeeitrem Upgraded by Mika Tanninenrem Time accuracy and shutdown for a710is by Viktoras Stanaitisrem h-accuracy for delay, j-accuracy for intervalh=-1j=-1755@title Ultra Intervalometer@param a Delay 1st Shot (Mins)@default a 0@param b Delay 1st Shot (Secs)@default b 0@param c Number of Shots (0 inf)@default c 0@param d Interval (Minutes)@default d 0@param e Interval (Seconds)@default e 10@param f Interval (10th Seconds)@default f 0n=0t=(d*600+e*10+f)*100+jif c<1 then let c=0if t<100 then let t=100g=(a*60)+b+hif g<=0 then goto "interval"for m=1 to g print "Intvl Begins:", (g-m)/60; "min", (g-m)%60; "sec" sleep 930 next m:interval n=n+1 if c=0 then print "Shot", n else print "Shot", n, "of", c shoot if n=c then shut_down sleep t goto "interval":interval if p>0 then gosub "pause" print "Shot 1 of", c shoot if c=1 then end for n=2 to c sleep t print "Shot", n, "of", c shoot next n if g=1 then goto "interval" else end:pause n=(a*60)+b for m=1 to n q=n-m print "Intvl Begins:", q/60; "min", q%60; "sec" sleep 930 next m return
Hi,How do I turn of the display when using Ultra Intervalometer ?It uses a lot of unnecessary power.Thanks.I use my camera with a different card, or with the card in unlocked mode so I get control of the display button to turn off the display. I frame shot in video mode and switch to camera and start shooting. A little low-tech but it works.
Started by Vicente Script Writing
Started by MikeXM Script Writing
Started by ponciusz Script Writing
Started by CanonBlue « 1 2 3 » Hello, I'm a NEWBIE - HELP!! (Newbies assistance, User Guides and thank you notes)
Started by jmac698 Script Writing