CHDK Script Feature for Reading the Live Histogram - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum

CHDK Script Feature for Reading the Live Histogram

  • 1 Replies
CHDK Script Feature for Reading the Live Histogram
« on: 01 / November / 2010, 19:37:38 »
Note that CHDK script cannot currently read the live histogram. shot_histogram reads the raw image buffer after the shot is taken. Reading the live histogram is a feature I'd like to add, (and in principle, you could get it in lua using peek() on the live view buffer), but it's not there yet.

The above is a quote from Reyalp I found late last night while searching for information on shot_histogram. The thread the quote was taken from is one about a similar feature request to one in my thread about bracketing based on zebra-ed areas of a shot. Shot_histogram is simply not useful for what I and the other poster want to accomplish, which would all be based on Live View. Taking pixel info from a shot already taken might be useful, but not at all for setting up a shot or multiple shots  - which can only be done BEFORE the shot is taken.

I strongly suggest that the this feature request be put on the list of priority items for CHDK. It would motivate me and probably others to learn what we need to about CHDK  and LUA so we can create lots of useful scripts to extend the functionality of our cameras.


Offline reyalp

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Re: CHDK Script Feature for Reading the Live Histogram
« Reply #1 on: 01 / November / 2010, 22:20:53 »
If you are going to quote posts from another thread, it would be helpful to provide a link so others can see the full context.

This would be a useful feature, but just so you know, CHDK has no priority list.

FWIW, you can actually access the live view in lua already, using peek(). This is not convenient: you have to find the frame buffer address in the CHDK code (platform/<camera>/sub/<version>/lib.c), and decode the YUV yourself if needed, but it could be done.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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