Yup- sorry, fat fingers. How did you find canon_shoot_menu_active ?
I'm using the SX20 version 102d port as a reference. The stubs files list the location in the SX20 code where the values where found so I go looking for the same functionality in the SX30 IDA dis-assembly. They seem pretty close so I've been able to find most things fairly easily.
The SX20 comments say it is found in this function.
LDR R1, =
0x8844 MOV R0, #0
STRB R0, [R1]
STRB R0, [R1,#1]
B sub_FF9AA104
I found this one in the SX30 and the code around it was also very similiar so I'm assuming this is it.
LDR R1, =
0x9900 MOV R0, #0
STRB R0, [R1]
STRB R0, [R1,#1]
B sub_FF9DE8CC
Note, I haven't tested this yet so I reserve the right to be completely wrong