I wanted to shoot video in short sections so I made this script to shoot X number of minutes before stopping shooting, and then starting again. I did it by automating presses of the Video button on my S3. The problem with this method is that it could conceivably get out of sync, meaning that it could start recording when it means to stop, and vice versa.
Here's how I'm doing it, is this the best way?
Also, is there a way to disable the "I'm recording" red LED above the lens? I'm using the Allbest build, which, as I understand it, has all the features of Fingalo's build incorporated.
rem by wrybread@gmail.com for an S3
@title Video Splitter
@param a Interval (minutes)
@default a 10
rem b keeps track of how many vids we've shot
rem s is how many seconds we'll shoot for
s = a * 60
click "video"
rem routine to pause in a way that will show countdown on console
x = x + 1
r = s - x
print "Shooting video ", b
print r, " seconds remaining"
sleep 1000
if x < s then goto "pauser"
rem Enough time has passed, so lets split the video
click "video"
rem pause for a moment to let the video save.... Is this always enough time?
sleep 3500
b = b + 1
click "video"
goto "looper"
(And yes I know I should really add a second parameter to only record Y number of videos, I'll add this soon).
Edit: I increased the delay between stopping recording and starting the next. This delay (3500ms) is working well on my S3 with a Kingston 2 gig card shooting 320x240 @ 30fps.