Now this is a little off topic CHDK wise. Even tho I did figure out a CHDK script that did allow me to use the full 16 Gig SD card for recording videos.
It now makes smaller like 10 minute videos, over and over till the card is full! GREAT!!
Now this is a canon Powershot A560.
Now can this be fixed/
When the camera shoots a video, it saves it called something like MVI_1416.AVI and another file called MVI_1416.THM is also created.
Now if i download this AVI file i can play it with an player on my computer. as well as on the camera of course.
BUT only on the camera if the .THM file is still there.
If I download both files, and the camera is empty, and re load the AVI file onto the camera, but NOT the THM file. the camera will not play it.
even if I download just the AVI, do some editing, like adding titeles etc. and re save it with the same name and still as an AVI, and then re load it into the camera. It still will not see the camera for playback on the camera.
is there any way around this?
I'd like to use the camera as a small portable video player too.