so i've been testing the latest allbest build out on my SD1000, i set the shutter speed override to 1 and the factor to 100. The result was an amazing night shot (taken at 1:30am):
the exif data claimed it to be a 70 second exposure. so i thought i'd try a longer one. i set the shutter speed override to 2, with a factor of 100 (should produce a 200 second exposure right?). the resulting image's exif data claimed a 136 second exposure, yet it looked exactly like the previous 70 second exposure. whats going on here?
I set the iso override to 54 with a factor of 100, and when i hold the shutter half way it focuses and says its using ISO 8000, i take a picture and its very grainy. I then take a picture with the override set at like 20 or so (cant remember) and it says the ISO is set to 1600. i compared the ISO 1600 picture to a picture i took by setting the iso to 1600 normally (camera can do 1600 on its own) and it is significantly darker than the overridden one at the same shutter speed, it is also hardly worse than the ISO 8000 one (the iso 8000 one wasnt nearly as bright as it should have been) which leads me to believe though it claims to use ISO 8000, its actually using a significantly lower one, and thought it claims shutter speeds of 136 seconds, its only doing a 70 second exposure.
i did another test setting the shutter speed override to 70 seconds and used a timer to time the exposure, it came out to be 64 seconds give or take a second or 2 for reaction times sake. any ideas people? Why is this so inaccurate? am i just doing it wrong?
Also when using exposure bracketing in continuous mode, after combining the images in photomatix the result is an extremely grainy picture, yet they look clear when i took the pictures, any ideas on this one? it never did this before i had chdk on the camera (back when i used the built in exposure compensation control).
What do you guys think is going on here?