Can someone verify bracketing actually works on the the SD940 with 1.00E
(Extra Photo Operations / Bracketing in continuous mode / TV bracketing value [] )
Hi there. I have a 1.00E and a 1.03B. I can confirm that bracketing does not work on the 1.00E and does work on the 1.03B in I think it's something more fundamental because I can't get interval timers working either.
It seems that the script will stop working after a shoot command has been issued. No basic errors, CHDK thinks the script is still running because pressing the shutter again gives the *** INTERUPTED ***
The first shoot does work but nothing after that. It's like the scripting engine isn't getting a callback (although I have no idea what's going on under the hood)
This is the scipt I tried:
print "started"
sleep 3000
print "slept once, about to shoot..."
shoot -- shoot works but nothing below executes
print "shot once, gonna sleep"
sleep 3000
print "slept again, about to shoot..."
I've had loads of projects on lately so sorry I couldn't reply sooner.