Try to use this script :this is not my script:)
rem author Divalent. Modification of Fingalo's sample script
rem this only works with Fingalo's CHDK build
@title propcase
@param a propid
@default a 30
@param b set value
@default b 0
rem variable "c" will be the actual value reported
rem b = what you will set it to
rem a = the property you want to detect and/or change
rem d = variable "delta" amount (can be 1, 10, 50, or 100)
rem print current state of property
get_prop a c
print "P",a, "=", c,"set2=", b
print "delta=", d, "(Z-in alters)"
print "[set]= set prop to set2"
print "L/R/up/Dn alter P or set2"
print "[menu]= shoot and exit"
is_key k "zoom_in"
if k=1 then d=d+9
if d=19 then d=50
if d=59 then d=96
if d=105 then d=100
if d=109 then d=1
is_key k "up"
if k=1 then b=b+d
is_key k "down"
if k=1 then b=b-d
is_key k "left"
if k=1 then a=a-d
is_key k "right"
if k=1 then a=a+d
is_key k "set"
if k=1 then set_prop a b
is_key k "menu"
if k=1 then shoot
if k=1 then sleep 1000
if k=1 then goto "lend"
goto "loop"
and set propcase
:126 to 30 or 60
:127 to 2
128 to 1
, in my camera that works and i could record in 640res with 30fps