Wow, from a quick look around the wiki and forum, this appears to be a previously unseen firmware version. Quite unusual for a port that's been around for more than 12 years 
Are you the original owner or know the history of the cam? It would be interesting to know if there was something weird in the history of this cam, like if it was originally sent out as a review sample or something.
Addresses are different from the existing ports, and Canon does not appear to have ever offered a firmware update for this cam (despite shipping various revs from 100e through 100n) so it will need a new port. I should be able to post a test build in few days, if no one else gets to it first.
This is as much of a mystery to me as it is to you honestly, however, I have a pretty solid theory of why that is. I have an aunt that works at Canon (don't remember which department but it doesn't really matter since it's all connected in one way or another lol), she bought that SX30 from work, and it was later handed to me. With this information, I theorize that this could simply be some kind of early model that was meant for late internal testing, or as You've suggested a review sample, right before shipping out models with newer firmware revisions. Kinda sucks it doesn't have any cool debugging stuff on it

I am definitely looking forward to Your test build, I've been waiting forever for someone to dump the firmware and port it until I realized that it wasn't happening (and that firmware dumping on these cameras is much easier than I thought. Originally I thought it'd require hardware dumping and, for some reason, I didn't bother reading into the wiki more :V)