Help with intervalometer script on Canon A570is - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Help with intervalometer script on Canon A570is

  • 1 Replies
Help with intervalometer script on Canon A570is
« on: 30 / November / 2010, 20:03:03 »

I am trying to run various intervalometer scripts on my Canon A570IS but none seem to be working.

For example, I am trying "Ultra Intervalometer" with the following settings:
Delay first shot - 0
Number of shots - 30
Interval (seconds) 10
Endless - No

When I switch to ALT mode, and press the shutter (in AV mode), I get:

"started" and "finished" play immediately, one right after the other...and no photo is taken.

This happens when I try to run other intervelometer scripts too...Can anyone advise me as to how to prevent this?

Re: Help with intervalometer script on Canon A570is
« Reply #1 on: 30 / November / 2010, 23:37:11 »
Wait...I think I know what the deal is. Re-created the .bas files using TextMate instead of TextEdit...


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