G Series TTL In Manual Mode - page 2 - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum

G Series TTL In Manual Mode

  • 20 Replies
Re: G Series TTL In Manual Mode
« Reply #10 on: 17 / July / 2011, 22:20:47 »
I am brand new to the world of CHDK.  I figured out how to get everything loaded but I have had trouble with all three of the above scripts.  On all of the scripts, the second I turn the camera on, it takes a picture using ttl flash WITHOUT pressing the shutter.  Then I get the error messages; on the first script it reads Old Compensation:0 New Compensation:0 ***Finished***  On the final script, I get the Error:failed to reset and another one that I didn't write down (getting a little frustrated)  The main thing is it quites taking pictures at that point. Can anyone help?

Re: G Series TTL In Manual Mode
« Reply #11 on: 07 / January / 2012, 17:01:19 »
Hi ScubaJudy,

Are you trying this on the G series or a S95? It's hard to debug for people without knowing exactly which versions of firmware and camera you're dealing with.

Come back and people might be able to look at it.

It's still working for me today after a new install.


Re: G Series TTL In Manual Mode
« Reply #12 on: 24 / June / 2012, 05:30:26 »
Not sure if any of the original contributors of this thread will see this - but just a huge thanks!

I now have TTL for my G12 in Manual Mode!  and my EX320!

thanks for writing the script...

Re: G Series TTL In Manual Mode
« Reply #13 on: 16 / May / 2014, 17:57:27 »
Showing my latest version of this script which conveniently exits the <ALT> mode. Handy for when the script is auto-started and that’s all I need from CHDK. I removed all REM lines in favor of speed.

Code: [Select]
@title auto TTL
get_prop 121 b
if b=0 then
    print "Still TTL"
    set_prop 121 0
    print "Now TTL"
get_prop 121 c
if c=1 then print "ERROR: failed to (re)set"
print "Sleep 1s"
sleep 1000
exit_alt 0

Re: G Series TTL In Manual Mode
« Reply #14 on: 16 / May / 2014, 18:47:56 »
I removed all REM lines in favor of speed.
Were you actually able to notice even the slightest difference in speed?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline reyalp

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Re: G Series TTL In Manual Mode
« Reply #15 on: 16 / May / 2014, 23:12:56 »
I removed all REM lines in favor of speed.
Were you actually able to notice even the slightest difference in speed?
There was a time when every REM in ubasic was executed as a statement, with the usual one statement per kbd_task cycle. That time is far in the past, but there's probably still some wiki pages that recommend removing REMs for speed.

The statements are still executed once per kbd_task cycle by default, but this can be adjusted with set_yield http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Script_commands#set_yield
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: G Series TTL In Manual Mode
« Reply #16 on: 19 / May / 2014, 08:18:38 »
Cool, I have added some comments back in below. I love documentation ;-)

The last line of code does sometimes not exit the <ALT> mode. Unfortunately, after lots of experimenting I can not pinpoint it to any reproducible situation. In happens sometimes in Play mode, sometimes in Shoot mode. It can happen in seemingly the exact same sequence of events one time and not the other time. Is there any more doc on this feature or anybody got an idea about how to test this further? It sucks for my workflow underwater to have to check/correct whether the camera is in TTL mode or not.

Situatie -1-
The script below is set to be auto executed on startup. Pushing the on button on the camera to get to shooting mode it will be ok exiting the <ALT> mode. Then powering off. Then pushing the on button again it will stay in <ALT> mode.

When I repeated this situation 1, it worked for four times well in a row. Then I took a shot. Right after that, powering off and again on led to the <ALT> mode not ending. Again, unfortunately, repeating the sequence taking the shot failed to reproduce the <ALT> mode not ending; it worked again. Any tips?

Code: [Select]
@title TTL settD
rem WHAT:   This script turns on the TTL mode for the flash if it was not on already.
rem WHEN:   This is useful for e.g. underwater photography with Canon S95.
rem WHY:    In 'Manual' mode the factory firmware doesn't support TTL.
rem HOW:    The script can be set to auto run. No more worries.

rem 2012-01-05 Initial script written by jamesinsummer from:
rem     http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=5876.msg68670
rem 2012-06-13 Initial adaptation by jurgenfd in same thread.
rem 2014-05-19 JFD Adding auto exit for speedy usage.

get_prop 121 b

if b=0 then
    print "Still TTL"
    set_prop 121 0
    print "Now TTL"
exit_alt 0


Offline reyalp

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Re: G Series TTL In Manual Mode
« Reply #17 on: 25 / May / 2014, 17:35:15 »
I've moved the discussion of alt mode issues to:
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: G Series TTL In Manual Mode
« Reply #18 on: 26 / March / 2016, 08:21:03 »
I've been playing with this script on my G15 Build info shows CHDK 1.4.1 revision 4563 and the date is Mar 21 2016 FW version 100b

What I'm noticing is the script shows it runs on startup but the camera boots in playback mode, and as soon as I go to shooting mode by pressing the shutter ttl gets turned back off, in fact going into and out of manual mode will also turn it off. Is there anyway to at least get it booting into shooting mode with this setting? I checked all the menus and it just doesn't seem to be anything quite obvious

Re: G Series TTL In Manual Mode
« Reply #19 on: 26 / March / 2016, 12:34:08 »
Is there anyway to at least get it booting into shooting mode with this setting?
Updated script attached.  I converted it to Lua, made it "camera version independent", and added code to change automatically to shooting mode when it runs.

Tested on my G10.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


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