LOL - I'm calling this a troll myself. Maybe it happened maybe not but quite frankly this individual seems less than receptive to being helped. (Edit - The word honest seemed a little harsh on reflection)
Dunno about troll, but definitely not doing anything that will effectively lead to a solution. Whatever happened, it will take careful methodical work to figure out the actual problem and solution.
I doubt the battery being left out will fix this.
I'm 100% certain it won't.
Its a shame canon doesnt have any firmware updates as this might be a chance to repair it.
I'm 99% certain this wouldn't help either, for reasons explained earlier. Why ask for advice if you are going to ignore people who actually know something about the topic ?
Sucks to damage your camera (although as far as camera damage goes, having the wrong date stamp is pretty benign) but if you want fix it you'll have to do some leg work. Jumping to conclusions won't help.