My time-lapses video! - Creative Uses of CHDK - CHDK Forum

My time-lapses video!

  • 2 Replies
My time-lapses video!
« on: 05 / February / 2011, 11:35:49 »
Hi people. I own a Canon Powershot SX210 IS and it works great with CHDK. I just wanted to share what I did. Feel free to tell me or ask anything!

With the Ultra-Intervalometer script, I've created the folowing video:

Thank you CHDK!

Re: My time-lapses video!
« Reply #1 on: 06 / February / 2011, 01:54:48 »
WoW! fantastic!

what settings were you using on the script please? How did you put together as movie?

Dan RAymond

Re: My time-lapses video!
« Reply #2 on: 06 / February / 2011, 03:15:32 »
what settings were you using on the script please? How did you put together as movie?

Glad you liked it!

The script settings very depending on the scene. With poor lights, I shoot in manual mode with exp around 15s and I don't wait any time between shots. When I have good light, I use aperture priority and usually 5s between each shot.

After that, I use a very simply way to create the videos. First of all, rename the photos (using a program of course) in a way you have 000.jpg, 001.jpg, etc... After that, install ffmpeg, go to the console and type:

Code: [Select]
ffmpeg -i %3d.jpg -sameq -s 1440x1080 video-HD.mp4
And that's all, you have your HD quality video!


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