Bracketing and EV correction script (one more) - page 4 - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

Bracketing and EV correction script (one more)

  • 36 Replies
Re: Bracketing and EV correction script (one more)
« Reply #30 on: 24 / April / 2009, 03:15:06 »
Yes but this requires more setup time.  Even in continuous mode you must guess when to release the shutter button as the camera takes a fairly rapid 1.4fps (SD880) letting ago exactly after 3 shots is difficult sometimes its 4 shots and sometimes just 2 shots.  The script obviously would do it correct every time if I can get it working.

How much time does this take? You set up the custom timer with a delay of 0, and (say) 3 shots. You press the button once. Done.


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Re: Bracketing and EV correction script (one more)
« Reply #31 on: 24 / April / 2009, 12:15:02 »
Custom timer is what I meant to say in my previous post, I've used that over and over, and always produced good shots without any fuss, even using flash.

Re: Bracketing and EV correction script (one more)
« Reply #32 on: 25 / April / 2009, 01:29:40 »
I will give it a try tomorrow, since I'm in Quebec City and wanted to picture some buildings that are around 400 years old.  The entire city is wonderful unfortunately I didn't bring my tripod but I hope the free hand with the continuous bracketing and custom timer will work.  Now I just need to get a 16sdhc to autoboot CHDK instead of always having to do firmware update to get it working. 

At first I wasn't sure I had the custom timer option in my SD880 IS but i found it in the drive settings.  If it can capture pictures as quickly as the script based version then I will be very happy.

« Last Edit: 25 / April / 2009, 01:31:30 by Hollywood »

Re: Bracketing and EV correction script (one more)
« Reply #33 on: 30 / July / 2009, 13:21:27 »
The problem (SD1100IS) seems to be in the FOR NEXT loop.  But I can't figure out were. ;)

Re: Bracketing and EV correction script (one more)
« Reply #34 on: 30 / July / 2009, 13:22:59 »
Has anyone gotten this script working on a SD1100????

Re: Bracketing and EV correction script (one more)
« Reply #35 on: 07 / August / 2009, 17:48:31 »
I'm currently using this script but have a question about the last parameter, EV Correction in 1/3.

What exactly is this suppose to do or what is it used for?

Perhaps I missed it, but I didn't see a direct answer to this question.
EV Correction basically decides the "starting" or "center" exposure in your set, expressed in 1/3 EVs.  (So a full -12 or +12 would represent -4 or +4 exposure.)
For instance, if you had EV Correction at -6, then that would start your exposures at -2, stepping up or down from there.
Let's say you set your step to 3 (or 1 EV) and set it to take three photos.
If your EV correction is 0, then your three photos will be -1, 0 and 1.
If your EV correction is at -3 (or -1 EV) then your three photos will be -2, -1, and 0.

Re: Bracketing and EV correction script (one more)
« Reply #36 on: 25 / December / 2010, 16:01:51 »
I'm having the same issue as everyone else, the script stops after the first shot is taken.

I have a XS120 IS.

I'll make sure to post back here if I find a work-around.


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