Powershot S2is problem (clear horizontal lines) after unmounting lens unit. - Hotwire! Hardware Mods, Accessories and Insights - CHDK Forum

Powershot S2is problem (clear horizontal lines) after unmounting lens unit.

  • 3 Replies

Sometime I repair broken cameras (broken lens unit, broken lcd).

After replacing some parts I got a problem on my Powershot S2 IS. Before I got exactly the same problem on one IXUS 40 and one Panasonic DMC-FX35.

What I do is just changing the lens unit by another one. After that I get horizontal lines on photos (not only lcd screen, JPG eand Raw files to). First I think it may be due to an ESD that corrupt firmware. So I try CHDK (not installing, just booting)  but it not solve the problem. Clear lines also appear on RAW photos.

I do not have powershot s2is service manual, but in panasonic one I read about an adjustment software to use after replacing ccd. Does someone call me if there is a similar thing to use when replacing canon CCD?

A picture is better than lot of words, here is what my photos looks like (after zooming on a part) after "repairing" lens zoom unit.

I hope someone could help, because I have 3 camera with the same problem and repairing them would be great.

« Last Edit: 20 / December / 2010, 07:13:07 by ledom »


Offline ahull

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I think it unlikely ESD has corrupted the firmware, otherwise you would get some kind of power on error E01 or whatever.
CHDK doesn't replace the existing firmware, it enhances it by adding additional features.

Are you sure the issue was not there before replacing the lens. It could be related to this.

I only say "could" because I dont know which CCD is in the affected cameras, certainly the S2 is about the right era for this kind of issue. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canon_PowerShot_S)
As is the Ixus 40 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canon_Digital_IXUS)
It seems strange the affected models have exactly the same issue, if it is not in some way related to this.  

The issue could also be due to dirt corrosion or poor contact on or around the image processor board, sorry I cant be more specific, others might have a better idea however, so don't give up just yet.

« Last Edit: 03 / January / 2011, 15:57:53 by ahull »

Thank you for your answer ahull.

Yes I am sure that issue was not here before replacing lens. On the panasonic lumix, I have two working lens and lines are showing even if I change lens by another so I think it is not a lens or ccd problem but a circuit problem. The result is very similar on lumix and Canon S2.

I tried to clean circuit pins (alcohol and pressurised air) but without succes.

For the lumix, after changing lens for the first time, It works fine. Then a few days later, after using it the issue appear. Really strange.

If the mechanical shutter does not close AFTER exposure you will get that effect.

Maybe the same if it closes too slowly.

Do the lines disappear in low-light situations ?


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