HELP on SX200IS SMALL Installation v10D - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

HELP on SX200IS SMALL Installation v10D

  • 4 Replies
HELP on SX200IS SMALL Installation v10D
« on: 22 / December / 2010, 23:27:41 »
I just installed CHDK on my SX200IS to get RAW and to extend shutter times from 15sec to 64sec.  However, I haven't been able to take ANY PHOTOS in Alt mode.  When I go into alt mode the lower left says "default script".  When I press the shutter to take a picture, instead of actually opening the shutter and taking the picture, I get a scrolling message saying:

This is a default script.
Scripts run when shutter
is pressed in ALT mode.
Press shutter to exit.

How do I get rid of that and actually get my camera to collect RAW files along with the jpgs and to enable it to go to 64sec exposures?  (Those are all I'm interested in for the moment).  I've searched the manual but don't see anything that helps. The camera functions normally if I hit the PRINT button to get out of CHDK alt mode.

Thanks very much.
« Last Edit: 22 / December / 2010, 23:29:26 by jeffweiss9 »


Offline reyalp

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Re: HELP on SX200IS SMALL Installation v10D
« Reply #1 on: 22 / December / 2010, 23:39:03 »
You do not take photos in alt mode. Alt mode is for setting settings and using scripts. If you want to take pictures, leave alt mode and take pictures normally. If you have raw enabled, it will be saved. If you have set shutter overrides, they will be used.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: HELP on SX200IS SMALL Installation v10D
« Reply #2 on: 23 / December / 2010, 01:54:56 »
Thanks.  I forgot you had to leave Alt mode to shoot and I am now, in fact, getting RAW images recorded.  However, I still can't get past the standard 15" in Manual mode. I have

Disable Overrides [Disable]
Override shutter speed [128]
   Value Factor [1]
Shutterspeed enum ty [Ev Step]

per (I think) what the manual says but I have no  idea how one actually gets the exposure time beyond the 15" built-in limit.  I'd like to go to at least 64sec or 128 sec.

Can you suggest how this is done?



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Re: HELP on SX200IS SMALL Installation v10D
« Reply #3 on: 23 / December / 2010, 06:50:49 »
Hello & welcome, Jeff !

However, I still can't get past the standard 15" in Manual mode.

The Manual mode give me the possibility to bring the exposure up to 15 second, but i'd like to have more.
In chdk "Extra photo operation" i can set the Aperture up to 28.40 sec, but than my camera still uses the 15 second on the manual mode.

No, with CHDK you can set up & use up to 64s on your SD750.

You can either choose one of the values in Override shutter speed - or you can use this setting in combination with the next menu item, the Value factor, for this set Shutterspeed enum type to [Factor]...

Override shutter speed  [23]
  Value factor          [1]
Shutterspeed enum type  [Factor]

gives you 23 x 1 = 23 s exposure time.

The Canon OSD don't know anything about the CHDK overrides, it only shows values from the internal Canon list,
so on exposure times beyond the Canon limit of 15s the Canon OSD will always show "15s"...

You can enable the additional CHDK OSD values from the OSD (Misc...) menu to see the "real" override values...

Re: HELP on SX200IS SMALL Installation v10D
« Reply #4 on: 23 / December / 2010, 18:53:30 »
   Ok, things seem to be working for me for getting RAW and for 64s exposures except that I only get the "RAW" and "TV64" words displayed on the OSD when I'm in shooting (recording) mode.  When I'm in playback mode, neither one is displayed. So
1) Is there a way to get both those also displayed in Playback mode, since I'm starting up in Playback mode to set things up?
2) Is there a way to toggle "TV64" 64s exposure override on/off, such as the DISP button in Alt mode does for RAW?  The only way I've been able to find is to go to Alt/Menu/Extra Photo Operations/Value Factor and set that to either 1 or OFF, which works but takes time.  I've tried half-shutter left, right, down, up, referred to in the manual, but none of those toggle the TV64 in my SX200IS (Small CHDK).
   Thanks for your help.
« Last Edit: 23 / December / 2010, 18:57:35 by jeffweiss9 »


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