sbright33, no luck for me, sorry, i changed the script, silent pic says it took the pictures just fine, i tried in live view full hd and record mode, no matter what way i do it i get this error during conversion using the script with python:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 138, in <module>
convert_422_bmp(input, change_ext(input, ".jpg"))
File "", line 114, in convert_422_bmp
raise Exception, "unknown image size: %d" % len(data)
Exception: unknown image size: 610560
This is what I changed in script:
elif len(data) == 720*480*2:
w, h = 720, 480
elif len(data) == 928*616*2:
w, h = 928, 616
I am using the latest repository update I compiled on my machine. Its been same results since slient pic started coming alive from Coutts magic coding.