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500d development

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Offline Coutts

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Re: 500d development
« Reply #1110 on: 17 / May / 2011, 17:06:49 »
haven't had much time today but i started this wiki page that i'll update as I get ideas. kind of a scratch pad to help organize my thoughts.

Canon 5d
Canon 50mm f/1.8
Sigma 24mm f/1.8


Re: 500d development
« Reply #1111 on: 17 / May / 2011, 19:34:16 »
Just spent the day using Motion Detection and a few other features.  Tested Q-scale.  It corrupted my memory card again 3rd time.  Lost everything on it.  This has never happened without ML.  Motion detection has much potential overall works great.  Here are some problems.  I cannot figure out how to turn off the display.  It only works in LV.  So there are 3 clicks with each picture.  This scares the birds and wildlife.  SP will not work in this case, because I need a fast shutter speed.  The biggest part of the delay is caused by switching the mirror from LV.  This will go away if you do not require LV mode, which is impossible?  I wish we could detect movement anywhere in the frame, instead of just the center.  I'm expecting a Bear tonight!  So many things are flaky.  They don't work at first and start later.  I'm using MD for wildlife.  It takes a picture when the bird lands, and when it takes off to leave.  But not the whole time it's here. not moving.  A delay would be helpful for this.  Can MDetect work in movie mode?

I noticed magic focus kinda works, but it's garbled with lines like static on TV.  The colors change when I pan the camera.  So it is a buffer of sorts.  This is of course related to my SP problem.

Keep up the good work!  Baby steps!  SP for all...

Re: 500d development
« Reply #1112 on: 17 / May / 2011, 20:05:50 »
Great Wiki page!  We can see what you're working on.  Great minds think alike.  Where can I list bugs related to what you're currently working on?  Suggestions in reply to your Wiki?  Feature requests related to these few topics?  Of course we would use the bitbucket generally.  Skype me if you have any questions that I might help with.  I think I'm a great tester because nothing seems to work on my camera when it comes to buffers  ;)


Offline Coutts

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Re: 500d development
« Reply #1113 on: 17 / May / 2011, 20:08:41 »
report any bugs on the repository:

I just took a video using magic zoom and focus peaking (pretty mediocre quality again.. i really need a better camera to tape with). magic zooms working here :-s (sorry about the glare)

Canon 5d
Canon 50mm f/1.8
Sigma 24mm f/1.8


Re: 500d development
« Reply #1114 on: 17 / May / 2011, 20:20:35 »
just curious, is the silent picture in full hd mode suppose to work with the new repository updates, i know u have been tweaking the buffers and it seems u have 1080p figured out ok, was wondering if u had that set in the new updates or is it just me that cant get the 422 images to convert, i just get wrong image size when i try to convert them?


Offline Coutts

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Re: 500d development
« Reply #1115 on: 17 / May / 2011, 20:27:04 »
that's due to the 422-jpg.py script, it doesn't know how to read our sizes. just open it in a text editor and add the right dimensions:


just look at how the other ones are setup and mimic it, should only take a minute or 2 to do.
Canon 5d
Canon 50mm f/1.8
Sigma 24mm f/1.8


Re: 500d development
« Reply #1116 on: 17 / May / 2011, 20:28:22 »
ahh, gotcha, thanks, 8]

Re: 500d development
« Reply #1117 on: 17 / May / 2011, 20:46:22 »
@mk - If you get it to work, maybe you can walk me thru the steps starting with when you turn the camera on.  I can't get anything that looks like a picture.  If we have the same camera, and the same build, we should get the same results right?  Even if the buffers could potentially move.  Did you get the Lores SP working?

Re: 500d development
« Reply #1118 on: 17 / May / 2011, 21:08:31 »
sbright33, no luck for me, sorry, i changed the script, silent pic says it took the pictures just fine, i tried in live view full hd and record mode, no matter what way i do it i get this error during conversion using the script with python:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "422-jpg.py", line 138, in <module>
    convert_422_bmp(input, change_ext(input, ".jpg"))
  File "422-jpg.py", line 114, in convert_422_bmp
    raise Exception, "unknown image size: %d" % len(data)
Exception: unknown image size: 610560

This is what I changed in script:
 elif len(data) == 720*480*2:
        w, h = 720, 480
    elif len(data) == 928*616*2:
        w, h = 928, 616

I am using the latest repository update I compiled on my machine. Its been same results since slient pic started coming alive from Coutts magic coding.

Re: 500d development
« Reply #1119 on: 17 / May / 2011, 21:59:39 »
I've tried a few different builds.  Never got that error.  Just funny looking images.  Does your magic focus look like a picture?  If so can you send me your build of autoexec.bin?  Then I can help with your error.


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