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500d development

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Re: 500d development
« Reply #1770 on: 09 / November / 2011, 16:47:21 »
Sounds good (but I need to double-check boundary conditions for bmp_fill).

Now I've enabled the Shoot menu.
Ok, working fine, no square shape erase going on in this one either wether AF frame display is set to show or auto hide, but it still crashes when set to auto hide while running follow focus when the soft focues text appears, but when set to show it run stable even when text appears, shoot menu works good, sliscan silent pictures, etc.. only issue on a crasj was when i tried lcd remote shoot, it started the record, but when you wave ur hand again over it while recording, it says rack focus error then err70 happens. other then that all stable 8]


Offline a1ex

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Re: 500d development
« Reply #1771 on: 09 / November / 2011, 16:55:48 »
OK, keep AF frame as "show" for now (i.e. ML won't try to hide it).

I've also enabled LiveView module.

Re: 500d development
« Reply #1772 on: 09 / November / 2011, 17:36:41 »
OK, keep AF frame as "show" for now (i.e. ML won't try to hide it).

I've also enabled LiveView module.
Ok, all seems fine until the ML colored info is showing at the bottom, no issues with the smaller font showing temp and all, thats on screen all the time and i can take pictures while recording and follow focus, just when the colored info is shown it crashes.

Update, if you set the bars to inside, you can see the tiny text with temp and all is nice and solid, but the colored font with shutter and all makes the canon overlay area flicker behind it if that means anything?

Update 2, just say this build seems really stable, i was messing around allot with it trying to crash, it, it really only seems to crash during the bottom bar of ML is displayed for sure, its very stable otherwise.

Update 3 Another cool thing I just happened to notice, with these new updates alex is posting since starting fresh, not sure about the ones right before this one, but this one finally locks the x160 iso in photo mode, for some reason none of the other versions could ever hold the x160 iso when changed in ML menu, it would always flash back to the closest x100 number unless u kept pressing a half shutter to keep it there or use the half shutter press option in ML that repeatedly did it auto but of coarse limited other features cause of the half shutter press, NOW!!!! it just stays put like any other number changed in ML, so that has to be interesting to Alex that he fixed something new for sure while trying to get record mode stable.
« Last Edit: 09 / November / 2011, 22:12:28 by mk11174 »


Offline a1ex

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Re: 500d development
« Reply #1773 on: 10 / November / 2011, 00:16:02 »
Now we only have half of the colored bar (with the same modules enabled).

Re: 500d development
« Reply #1774 on: 10 / November / 2011, 00:27:27 »
Now we only have half of the colored bar (with the same modules enabled).
KOOL KOOL Stable and does not make the canon overlay behind the text flicker either 8]


Offline a1ex

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Re: 500d development
« Reply #1775 on: 10 / November / 2011, 00:53:13 »
Now I've enabled shutter and aperture displays (which use floating-point for computations)

Re: 500d development
« Reply #1776 on: 10 / November / 2011, 00:56:04 »
Now I've enabled shutter and aperture displays (which use floating-point for computations)
Still stable 8D


Offline a1ex

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Re: 500d development
« Reply #1777 on: 10 / November / 2011, 01:06:23 »
Now the full color bar is there (only that it's 10 pixels above the very bottom). I've also replaced most floating point computations with integers (but didn't test them yet).

Re: 500d development
« Reply #1778 on: 10 / November / 2011, 01:16:14 »
Now the full color bar is there (only that it's 10 pixels above the very bottom). I've also replaced most floating point computations with integers (but didn't test them yet).
oh geez, u went and broke it again, lol, so that one crashed it right away when recording with bottom bar visible

text also flickers on that bottom bar every so often if that means anything
« Last Edit: 10 / November / 2011, 01:19:18 by mk11174 »


Offline a1ex

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Re: 500d development
« Reply #1779 on: 10 / November / 2011, 01:21:42 »
I can't see the flicker, so I can't tell what it is. Conflict with Canon's bottom bar?

Just to test a hypothesis: try 1775 with this option in config file:
Code: [Select]
shutter.display.degrees = 1

It should display shutter value in degrees in movie mode.
« Last Edit: 10 / November / 2011, 01:30:25 by a1ex »


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