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500d development

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Re: 500d development
« Reply #1910 on: 28 / November / 2011, 16:25:35 »
This autoexec should remember manual exposure settings.

I can't really test it myself, because 500D and 550D behave in different ways in auto movie mode.

I haven't posted here in a long while (mostly cause I don't have much to contribute) but I wanted to say a big thanks to everyone that's worked on this, you all are amazing!

A1ex, I tried the autoexec.bin posted above and played a little with it and it seams to be all working the way you expected it to and is saving the exposure settings! Thanks again for all your hard work!

Re: 500d development
« Reply #1911 on: 28 / November / 2011, 17:58:43 »
I cannot confirm any of these unstable issues - me too, I never had a more reliable version of ML than the new one with the manual exposure feature. For the first time video recording isn´t interrupted after some seconds due to an err70 as it used to be before with my camera.

But do you also have the new behaviour that the camera forgets date and time and prompts to set it again almost every time you switch the camera on? When switched off before while being in one of the non-video modes it seems to me as if everything´s okay switching on again.

Not a crucial thing, just wondering - and easily avoidable, I guess...

Thanks again for all the great work, guys!


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Re: 500d development
« Reply #1912 on: 28 / November / 2011, 19:33:59 »
Alex, for me this new build does remember my settings.  However, when I switch to off and back on ML defaults again to 400/120/5.6 until I disable then reenable Auto exposure override.  It then goes to my saved settings. 


Re: 500d development
« Reply #1913 on: 29 / November / 2011, 10:02:26 »
Just curious, if SP is suppose to only create proper pictures in single and slit scan mode, everything works, but of coarse anything except single and slit scan are garbled here are 3 images, one showing it working fine in single mode, next showing it scrambled when in zoom in 5x and then a 5x5 version, if there is a tweak i need to attempt to get it going, is there any tip on what i need to do to unscramble it, i cant compile the code since the unified ml version i dont really know what i am doing, but i used to be able to compile it, and when i did, i knew how to change settings if someone told me what to change obviously 8] any idears???
hope the image links work if not, sorry ;/

Re: 500d development
« Reply #1914 on: 29 / November / 2011, 10:39:50 »
The autoexec from 1908 works seamless! Photo mode is not affected, and it remembers the settings! Superb!!
Canon EOS 500D
Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 OS
Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 +++ more


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Re: 500d development
« Reply #1915 on: 29 / November / 2011, 13:11:21 »
Just curious, if SP is suppose to only create proper pictures in single and slit scan mode, everything works, but of coarse anything except single and slit scan are garbled here are 3 images, one showing it working fine in single mode, next showing it scrambled when in zoom in 5x and then a 5x5 version, if there is a tweak i need to attempt to get it going, is there any tip on what i need to do to unscramble it, i cant compile the code since the unified ml version i dont really know what i am doing, but i used to be able to compile it, and when i did, i knew how to change settings if someone told me what to change obviously 8] any idears???
hope the image links work if not, sorry ;/

It looks like the buffer locations for x5 and x10 zoom modes have changed in v1.1.1. Here are my vram findings on v1.1.0 firmware: http://magiclantern.wikia.com/wiki/500d_VRAM_Info the process will have to be repeated with v1.1.1 using img.py to locate the buffers and find their correct resolutions.

additionally, the 422 conversion script needs to be modified to include the resolutions of the 500d buffers, in order for the silent pics to be processed correctly.
Canon 5d
Canon 50mm f/1.8
Sigma 24mm f/1.8


Re: 500d development
« Reply #1916 on: 29 / November / 2011, 14:08:17 »
Alex, firstly, I'd like to apologize, I do appreciate your work a lot and I realize that you don't have the camera available to test the build. I only wanted to point out all issues that I have found when using it to make it even more better than it is now and make possible to fix some issues at least this way because I really don't have the time now to get the compiler and all things to work as well as to understand the code. So I am sorry if my comments yesterday looked somehow rough or anyhow else.

The "stability problems" weren't much about stability, ML doesn't crash or show any error. It is just the menu that comes on only if it wants to. I thought that it might be due to my memory card is almost full (there's only a few tens of MBs left on it) or an old configuration file. I have removed the old config file and started from scratch. The menu showed right when I pressed the erase button, so I was a bit surprised. Anyway, I started enabling features one by one and I was stopped at the Focus Peak. This is the one that, if enabled, refuses the ML menu to show on the screen until I press the Menu button, no matter how I set it, just turning it on is enough.

I have also found the Take a screenshot option finally, so I will attach a screenshot of the zebras in movie mode to show you how it is 1px off on top. Well, using the screenshot option, it won't capture ML overlays like zabras so I have to take a picture with my mobile phone.. hopefully it will be recognizable this time (..the file size limit here on the forum is perfectly annoying - tha't my 8th try to send the message, event when the picture has 900kB! well, I'll rather send it somewhere - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/85/dsc00100vu.jpg/). Simply, the first line of pixels of the movie area doesn't show any zebra overlay, it's shifted 1px down.

I have recorded a video of changing the shooting mode from live view to remapped movie mode (MOV00109.MP4) - sorry for my English. I have also noticed that if the camera is awaken by pressing the shutter button half-way for example after a few minutes of inactivity when it fell asleep to save the battery, it will not turn on the remapped movie mode if it's set by the main dial, it will start shooting in the original shooting mode instead (A-DEP in my case). Turning the dial one step forward and back fixes it.
Canon EOS 500D, EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM

Re: 500d development
« Reply #1917 on: 29 / November / 2011, 14:10:06 »

    Also the histogram isn't shown in any of the two modes - the last histogram frame is drawn over the table after exiting movie/lv mode (again, it is not drawn there every time).

Canon histogram or ML histogram? Does this camera have a table? How it looks like?

I have meant the ML histogram in live view. It turned out that this is Focus peak related. If I turn Focus peak off, the histogram shows normally. If Focus peak is on, the histogram isn't shown at all but (most of the time) is drawn over the shooting screen if I turn the main dial to another shooting mode (that's what i have meant by the "table"). I attach another photo of it.
Canon EOS 500D, EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM

Re: 500d development
« Reply #1918 on: 29 / November / 2011, 14:28:08 »

    Another strange behaviour that I have also seen in previous ML versions is, that if I press the menu button when viewing images and then do it again so that the ML menu disappears, it shows the viewed picture overdrawn with LV features (zebras, histogram, spotmeter - no audio meter or bottom bar).

That's a feature.

Sorry, I didn't know that. It might surely be helpful when viewing images displayed in full screen, although again, zebras respect the 16:9 ration from movie and thus, there is a space without zebras on the bottom (as well as on the top, but there isn't even written any info (shutter, aperture,AE comp., ... as it was before turning ML menu on - but it displays once you change to another image). However, I barely view images using full screen mode - I rather view them in the mode with histogram and all the info below the preview. The zebras are then drawn all over the black space (respecting the 16:9 - probably - borders), overdrawing all text that there originally was - that was why I called it a bug - is it really what it is supposed to do? I'll attach a photo here. And I really don't understand the spotmeter's role here.

Thank you for the stretched focus peak fix, it really seems that it has been fixed :-). I'll try your older ML builds in order to test if the priority change has made the difference in the speed of reacting to zoom in press.

The last thing that I have discovered is, that the Flash button shortcuts (to set Kelvin temperature, ..) don't work at all. They only move the AF frame. But this might be already known and I suppose that it is camera related.
Canon EOS 500D, EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM

Re: 500d development
« Reply #1919 on: 29 / November / 2011, 14:40:55 »
After a while, I have discovered that the zoom latency in live view is also focus peak related. It shows immediately when focus peak is off. It works great with the 1845 ML with Focus peak on, even the ML menu in movie mode shows normally and immediately after pressing Erase button. I have addressed both of those issues to the 1850 version. That's when the Focus peak started causing issues.
Canon EOS 500D, EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM


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