What do you mean hi-res is not usable? They do not look like normal pictures? Oh you mean 5x5. Some of the 1576x1048 HD do work for me! What does 5x5 look like for you? Can you post one? Or is it just looking like noise? A broken TV? There is no need to post that.Do you get purple and image shifts sometimes with 1576x1048?I have an old version of this script that works for 5x and 10x. I think the filesize matches one of the if cases in the python code, but the resolution is wrong. In other words the buffer is saved in ML with a different resolution, but the file size is not adjusted to match the actual resolution of the image. That is why these modes look scrambled.
According to Alex these horizontal lines occur in Burst mode only. I'm talking about where half the picture is purple and it's shifted nearly 500 pixels to the right in Single mode. You won't notice this if you only take a few pictures, one at a time. You will see it when you take 100's.Hires 5x5 works for me except these 3 major issues:1) Each of the 25 images are shifted by a few pixels so they don't line up perfectly2) Horizontal lines in each3) Sometimes one of the images is brighter than the restI understand that not using a tripod would cause all of these.But I am using a very sturdy tripod with no wind or tree movement (inside).
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