(4) Mixed mode. CHDK loaded into the Canon heap so the firmware loses the heap memory used by CHDK. CHDK heap is in EXMEM - the 'free memory' is the largest block in the CHDK EXMEM heap.
You'll need to experiment to see what works best - and yes OPT_EXMEM_TESTING should still be done to see if there are any video buffers that might get corrupted by CHDK EXMEM.
Better than asking all of CHDK to run from the Canon heap (assuming that it can technically do so). And it gives CHDK access to more exmem heap for things it needs to do.
I think Phil explained it, but since I went and measured D10 anywaychdkptp -c -e"exec return con:execwait([[return get_meminfo('system'),get_meminfo('exmem')]])"1) no emxemsystem free_size=366104exmem N/A2) exmem malloc, chdk not in exememsystem free_size=423808exmem free_size=30905603) exmem malloc, chdk in exmemsystem free_size=684032exemem free_size=2830320
I'd want some actual data one way or the other before changing anything.
Thanks - must be nice to have a camera with that much free exmem !
Meanwhile, how much can I shave off the EXMEM_BUFFER_SIZE used in the MEMISOSTART calculation. As this is hard coded,
Presumably the CHDK size reported by Show Memory Info does not include those ?
Data showing what ? How do you define "better" ?
EXMEM_BUFFER_SIZE is the total amount of EXMEM you want to allocate.
Quote from: reyalp on 27 / August / 2012, 22:20:00EXMEM_BUFFER_SIZE is the total amount of EXMEM you want to allocate.Hmm .. so I can increase the number in everything but case 1 at the expense of starving the camera for exmem if it needs it. Or I can reduce the size until I hit the code size + space needed for modules + min CHD heap size needed. Depending on whether I'm in case 2,3 or 4.
Right. For CHDK, once you have enough, more isn't really better, it's not like we do swapping or something when memory gets low. Pre-exmem, CHDK never had more than ~1mb RAM free at best. 700k would be more typical, and that was shared with the Canon firmware. So allocating 1 meg to exmem and putting CHDK (~250k) in exmem should be fine.It's not clear to me what impact there is from taking away exmem from the factory firmware, but the ports that have it hardcoded (most of Phils at least) seem to do OK.
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