I have perused this forum for a little while and have used some scripts from here. But for the most part the scripts are very "SET" toward a single purpose or function. That may be great but it would be nice if there were a thread dedicated to simple "ROUTINES" that could be chained together to create a script.
For instance:
A "START" routine
A "DELAY" routine
A "SHOOT" routine -
A "ZOOM" routine
A "FOCUS" routine
A "FLASH ON/OFF" routine
A "SCREEN ON/OFF" routine for those thet can!
A "SHUTTER" routine for speed and priority
A "APERTURE" routine
Etc., etc., etc..
These should be prefaced with small descriptions or info but mostly be in a form that can be READILY copy and pasted into a "build" routine. Many scripts are pre-written and posted here but it is kinda a pain in the rear to read through 10 or 15 posts only to discover that the actual "SCRIPT" being discussed is NOT in the thread but somewhere else - like on Wiki or another website. Uhhggggg!
I will try to go through the threads here and get a few and compile them into a .txt file and post that here in THIS original post. That way as people add posts with their routines those can be added to the original file - say once a week or so depending upon the interest. If there are no posts in a week HERE then I will get the idea that there is NO interest in this and drop it.
Thanks to all who lurk and contribute here!!