I was in exactly the same position as you ....never installed a script, etc. I did get the Motion Detection (MD) script to work on a SD780 (although its not perfect yet). Here are my notes followed by my open questions:
How to install (from a very, very basic level)...
-Copy the MD script to NotePad
-Save the NotePad file to your computer with the file extension ".bas" (I saved it as LightningScrip.bas)
-Insert your SD card into a card reader on your computer
-I don't believe you can transfer the .bas file directly to the SD780
-Copy the .bas file from your computer to the SD card
-Reinstall the SD card in your SD780
-Start camera -Wait for CHDK to load
-press "DISP" key (which I believe is the ALT key commonly referred to in CHDK)
-then press "Func Set"
-Scroll down to the file "lightn~1" (shortened file name I used when I saved it to the SD)
-Press "Func Set"
-Press shutter button 1/2 way down-Camera should now MD
-To turn MD off, press "DISP" again
-Other changes to the settings to improve performance: turn off flash for quicker action, set camera to continuous shoot mode (p71 manual)
My questions/open items/comments (still some of this will change):
- Time between pictures is 1-2 evidence of continuous shoot mode ... the camera beeps between shots and there is a very short sound like it's trying to focus (focus is off)
- I need faster response time.
-I can not change all of the settings - update - I am able to change the settings, increasing the rows & col (not sure that helped), reduced Threshold (4), reduced Compare Interval (1), Trigger Delay (1)....which helped
- I do not know the Basic language this is written in - a big drawback in trying to solve problems (so far)
- (minor issue) Sometimes the screen goes black and seems to lock down (this is after I've exited MD) - not sure why, or how to easily exit....could be tied to the DISP button.
- (minor issue) Sometimes the menu(s) disappear very quickly after displaying....I just back up one step and continue on
- I'm sure there's some good content here: 16 pages in the forum on Motion Detection (really need to summarize this...the drawback of a forum - great content; difficult to find):
Email or reply with questions ....or solutions. This is really a fantastic program - thanks to all that have created CHDK and MD!!!