When camera is cold, i get 27000 bad pixels, when its hot (CCD 38) i get 1206xx.
But this are way too much bad pixels, chdk can handle i think, the file is in size 482 kb and cant load seem due to out of memory.
I try to set lots larger as this.but this values look ok
#define CAM_ACTIVE_AREA_X1 42
#define CAM_ACTIVE_AREA_Y1 24
#define CAM_ACTIVE_AREA_X1 142
#define CAM_ACTIVE_AREA_Y1 124
and smaller values.
#define CAM_ACTIVE_AREA_X2 3816-126
#define CAM_ACTIVE_AREA_Y2 2784-24
#define CAM_ACTIVE_AREA_X2 3816-226
#define CAM_ACTIVE_AREA_Y2 2784-124
But when CCD temperature is 38 (which happen after 1-2 minutes ) then i still get 1206xx badpixel
a badpixel file of 27000 work ok with DNG, it have 100 kb in size.
Is it possible that there is a maximum limit in the file creation ?
I also dont understand what time this should be.
shooting_set_tv96_direct(96, SET_LATER);
from shutter sound it sound same as normal exposure time (0.5 sec or 1/8 on brighter light), but the tft on camera is black for around 10 sec
does this mean shooting_set_tv96_direct(96, SET_LATER); do not work ?
I need only a badpixel for 1/8 sec because i never exposure longer.
when i look on RAW, i see they contain many badpixels, but if this are 120000 i cant believe.
Is there a software that can count badpixels in the DNG image and tell how many there are ?
Or is it possible that chdk save the badpixel image as a crw, so can see if there go something wrong in badpixel image creation ?
I see normal expose jpg images and when i shoot something black to get long exposure time, i get badpixel creation failed.
I have also the idea to get longer shoot due to powersave, if it is possible to add in the shooting preview a delay so only every 2. frame is draw in preview.this give 15 fps then.this is enough.
when shoot half is press, then normal rate can use
Is that possible ?