I am having a problem with this script. I shortened the variable names because I wasn't sure if there was some limit on them. I had basic timing working, but I'd like the timing to adjust for the day/night.
I get a parse error on line 14 which is just: sT=get_tick_count.
@title Intervalometer
set_focus 4500
set_aflock 1
while 1=1
set_backlight 0
set_backlight 0
if ts < s or ts > e then t=n else t=d
c=t - eT + sT
if c < 0 then c=0
sleep c
set_backlight 0
The problem is in your use of variables - see the CHDK UBasic web page, "Note: The latest builds of CHDK now allow you to have up to 26 user-definable variables from a to z, instead of the original 10, There are now a total number of 52 variables available for your use, a to z and A to Z, but the user-definable variables must be in lower-case if used for that purpose. Also be aware that lower and uppercase variables are unrelated. If you use a lower-case j for a variable, it is not the same as using J, and vice-versa."
The UBDB debugger indicates the first error is actually at the "sT=get_tick_count" statement...
UBDebug - An Interactive Development Environment for CHDK uBasic Scripts: